The NATO Architecture Framework version 4 (NAF v4) is a standard for developing architectures.
The purpose of this Chapter 2 is to provide a NAF v4 methodology for setting up an architecting environment, governing, managing, defining and evaluating architectures.
Explanation provided by this Chapter can be interpreted as guidance, rules or recommendation. Level of applicability and tailoring of the NAF v4 methodology have to be thought by organisation according to the organisation strategy and business/projects constraints.
Chapter 1 is a general introduction to the NAF v4 and is intended for those unfamiliar with the framework.
Chapters 3 and 4 give the NAF v4 Formalism with:
A set of predefined Viewpoints – conventions for the construction, interpretation and use of architecture views (Chapter 3).
A Meta-Model – a standard ontology for capturing the key architectural elements and their interdependencies (Chapter 4).