Cr - Capability Roadmap

The Cr Capability Roadmap View provides a representation of the actual or estimated availability of capabilities over a period of time (derived from capability delivery milestones in acquisition projects).

Concerns Addressed

  • Capability Planning.
  • Acquisition Management.


The Cr View supports the Capability Audit process by providing a method to identify gaps or duplication in capability provision. Cr indicates capability increments, which are derived from delivery milestones within acquisition projects.


  • Capability planning (capability phasing).
  • Capability integration planning.
  • Capability gap analysis.
  • High-level dashboard for acquisition management.


  • A time based chart in the style of a Gantt chart.

Detailed View Description

Cr provides a representation of the available capability levels at different points in time or during specific periods of time (associated with the Enterprise Phases – see C2, Enterprise Vision).

A Cr is presented as a timing chart showing capabilities on the vertical axis and time on the horizontal axis. Active capability configurations are shown as bars against the capabilities they provide, with the start and end of the bars corresponding to the capability configuration coming into and going out of service. Where nothing meets a particular capability at a particular time, whitespace is shown so as to highlight capability gaps.

Fig 3-13

The view is created by analysing project data to determine when projects acquiring resources that provide capability are to be delivered, upgraded and/or withdrawn. This data may be provided in part by Lr, Lines of Development, and the mappings from capability to resources that is provided in P2, Resource Structure, and Pr, Configuration Management.

The output from this iterative approach is a tabular view that represents the required capability phasing. There is however a variant view in which the table is overlaid with the names of the projects that will deliver the capability increments:

Fig 3-14

The essence of this variant view is the relationship between projects, capabilities and time (normally, a Cr view will hide the project). The view may be used to determine the need for interventions in projects (to fulfil a capability gap) or to represent current plans (the availability of capability according to their delivery timescales).

A Cr View can be used to assist in the identification of capability gaps/shortfalls i.e. where there are no capability configurations that fulfil a particular capability or capability duplication or overlaps.

Note that C2, Enterprise Vision, specifies the requirement for capability at each Enterprise Phase, whereas Cr reflects the output of capability programmes (e.g. acquisition, training, etc.) over time. The requirement specified in C2 may or may not be met by those programmes.

Key Elements and Their Relationships



The detailed meta-model and element list for Cr, Capability Roadmap, is at paragraph 4.2.6.