Concepts Layer
C1 – Capability Taxonomy
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
ApplicableMoE | Type | An ApplicableMeasureCategory where the categories are MeasureOfEffectivenessCategories and the things being measured are Capabilities. |
Capability | Type | A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome. |
MeasureCategory | Type |
A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance. Examples: Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness. |
capabilitySpecialisation | TupleType | A superSubtype that relates one Capability (supertype) to a more specialised Capability (subtype). |
Table : C1 Element List
C2 - Enterprise Vision
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
ApplicableMoE | Type | An ApplicableMeasureCategory where the categories are MeasureOfEffectivenessCategories and the things being measured are Capabilities. |
BenefitOfGoal | Type | A RepresentationInStructure where a BenefitStatement is part of a StatementOfGoal. |
BenefitStatement | Type | A StringDescription that is part of a StatementOfGoal which describes a benefit realised by achieving the goal. |
Capability | Type | A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome. |
CBRNEnvironment | Type | An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear environment in which an Enterprise may operate. |
EnvironmentalFactor | Type | A GeopoliticalLocationStateType that defines some aspect of the environment in which an Enterprise may operate. |
LightConditions | Type | An EnvironmentmentalFactor that defines the types of light (e.g. broad daylight, dusk, moonlit, etc.) in which an Enterprise may operate. |
Measure | Type | A Property whose members are Individuals that all share a common, measurable property, or whose properties lie within a MeasureRange. Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km. |
MeasureCategory | Type | A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance. Examples: Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness. |
MeasureInContext | Type | A ModemIndividualType that brings together EnvironmentalFactors with a Measure in order to qualify the measure. Examples: 40mph in desert, 1km range in cloudy conditions. |
MeasurePoint | Type | A Measure whose members are Individuals that all share a common property that can be measured. Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km. |
MeasureRange | Type | A Measure that is characterised by two MeasurePoints that define its upper and lower bounds. |
SituationType | Type | An EnvironmentalFactor used to describe the types and levels of threat under which an Enterprise may operate. Examples: Corrosive, Fire, Smoke, Peaceful, Under Fire, Under Heavy Fire, etc. |
SubGoal | Type | A RepresentationInStructure where one StatementOfGoal is part of another. |
TerrainType | Type | An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of ground conditions that an Enterprise may operate in. Note: TerrainType is a subtype of GeopoliticalLocationStateType as the terrain may change over time (e.g. muddy, frozen ground, deep snow, etc.) |
VisionStatement | Type | A StringDescription that is a short paragraph outlining the vision for a given phase of an enterprise. |
EnduringTask | IndividualType | An Undertaking recognised by an enterprise as being essential to achieving its goals - i.e. a strategic specification of what the enterprise does. |
EnduringTaskPhase | IndividualType | A ProcessState that is a temporal part of an EnduringTask. |
EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask | IndividualType | A ParticipationExtent whose extent is the participation of an EnterprisePhase (or WholeLifeEnterprise) in an EnduringTask. |
EnterprisePhase | IndividualType | An UndertakingState that is a current or future state of a WholeLifeEnterprise or another EnterprisePhase. |
HumanResourceRoleInEnduringTask | IndividualType | A ParticipationExtent where the participant is a ResponsibleHumanResource and the Process is an EnduringTask. |
Organisation | IndividualType | A ConstructedHumanResource which is an Organisation. |
Person | IndividualType | An individual human being. |
Post | IndividualType | A HumanResource that is a position in an Organisation that may be filled wholly or partly by a ResponsibleHumanResource; in other words, by an Organisation, Person or Post. As the position is in the Organisation, it is a part of the Organisation. |
Project | IndividualType | An Undertaking that is a time-limited endeavour to create a specific set of products or services. |
WholeLifeEnterprise | IndividualType | An EnterprisePhase that represents the whole existance of an enterprise. |
capabilityForTask | TupleType | A propertyOfIndividual that asserts a Capability is required in order for an Enterprise to conduct a phase of an EnduringTask. |
enduringTaskEnterpriseRole | TupleType | A processWholeRoleExtentPart which relates an EnduringTaskPhase to an EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask. |
enduringTaskHumanResourceRole | TupleType | A processWholeRoleExtentPart where the Process is an EnduringTask and the involved Individual is a ResponsibleHumanResource. |
enterpriseVision | TupleType | A describedBy that relates a VisionStatement to the EnteprisePhase it describes. |
enterpriseGoal | TupleType | A describedBy that relates a StatementOfGoal to the EnterprisePhase it describes. |
enterpriseMeasureOfEffectiveness | TupleType | A measureOfIndividual where the Individual is an EnterprisePhase and the measure is a MeasureOfEffectiveness. |
enterpriseRole | TupleType | An agentParticipation where the agent is a WholeLifeEnterprise and the participation is an EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask. An enterpriseRole relates a WholeLifeEnterprise to a role it performs in an EnduringTask |
enterpriseStructure | TupleType | A wholePart that asserts that one EnterprisePhase is a spatial part of another. |
enterpriseTemporalPart | TupleType | An enterpriseStructure and a temporalWholePart that asserts that one EnterprisePhase is a temporal part of another (i.e. it is a phase of the other). |
enterpriseWholePhase | TupleType | An enterpriseTemporalPart where whole is a WholeLifeEnterprise. |
environmentalContext | TupleType | A couple that relates a MeasureInContext to an EnvironmentalFactor in order to qualify the measure. |
exhibitsCapability | TupleType | A propertyOfIndividual that relates an EnteprisePhase to a Capability that it exhibits. Note: replaces exhibits tagged value in M3 |
humanResourceEnduringTaskRole | TupleType | An agentParticipation where the Agent is a ResponsibleHumanResource and the Process is an EnduringTask. |
measureTypeInstance | TupleType | A typeInstance that asserts a Measure is an instance of a MeasureCategory. Examples: 2kg is a mass, 40m/s is a velocity |
phaseOfEnduringTask | TupleType | An undertakingWholeState where the state (part) is an EnduringTaskPhase and the whole is an EnduringTask. |
qualifiedMeasure | TupleType | A superSubtype that relates a MeasureInContext to the measure it qualifies. |
taskMeasureOfEffectiveness | TupleType | A measureOfIndividual that asserts a Measure is an MoE for an EnduringTaskPhase |
upperBoundOfMeasureRange | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the upper bound (i.e. maximum measure) of a MeasureRange. |
Table ‑: C2 Element List
C3 - Capability Dependencies
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
Capability | Type | A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome. |
CapabilityComposition | Type | A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance. Examples: Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness. |
capabilityDependency | TupleType | A couple that relates a (dependent) Capability to a Capability it is dependentUpon |
capabilitySpecialisation | TupleType | A superSubtype that relates one Capability (supertype) to a more specialised Capability (subtype). |
Table ‑: C3 Element List
C4 – Standard Processes
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
ActivityGroup | Type | An OperationalActivity that is entirely composed of other OperationalActivities. |
ActivityGrouping | Type | An ActivityComposition where the parent Activity is an ActivityGroup. |
Capability | Type | A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome. |
CapabilityRole | Type | A ParticipationExtentType which is the extent of a Capability's participation in a StandardActivity. |
OperationalActivity | Type | A ProcessType that is a type of logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Note: an OperationalActivity may only be carried out by a logical Node. |
RoleInStandardActivity | Type | A ProcessWholeRoleExtentPartType that relates a StandardActivity to a CapabilityRole. |
RoleOfCapability | Type | An AgentParticipationType that relates a Capability to its role in a StandardOperationalActivity. |
StandardActivity | Type | A ProcessType that is a standard procedure (e.g. doctrinal tasks). Note: This is equivalent to what some defence organisations call JETLs. Note: was called "StandardOperationalActivity" in M3. |
StandardActivityComposition | Type | A TypicalWholePart that asserts one StandardActivity is part of another. |
EnduringTask | IndividualType | An Undertaking recognised by an enterprise as being essential to achieving its goals - i.e. a strategic specification of what the enterprise does. |
EnduringTaskPhase | IndividualType | A ProcessState that is a temporal part of an EnduringTask. |
capabilityForTask | TupleType | A propertyOfIndividual that asserts a Capability is required in order for an Enterprise to conduct a phase of an EnduringTask. |
templateForTask | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeInstance that relates an EnduringTask to an EnduringTaskTemplate that specifies it. |
Table : C4 Element List
C5 – Effects
C6 – Not Used
C7 – Performance Parameters
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
ApplicableMoE | Type | An ApplicableMeasureCategory where the categories are MeasureOfEffectivenessCategories and the things being measured are Capabilities. |
Capability | Type | A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome. |
MeasureCategory | Type | A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance. Examples: Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness. |
C7 Element List
C8 – Planning Assumptions
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
BenefitOfGoal | Type | A RepresentationInStructure where a BenefitStatement is part of a StatementOfGoal. |
BenefitStatement | Type | A StringDescription that is part of a StatementOfGoal which describes a benefit realised by achieving the goal. |
Constraint | Type | An IndividualType that is the collection of all the objects subject to a particular constraint. |
StatementOfGoal | Type | A StringDescription that is a specific, required objective for an EnterprisePhase. |
SubGoal | Type | A RepresentationInStructure where one StatementOfGoal is part of another. |
VisionStatement | Type | A StringDescription that is a short paragraph outlining the vision for a given phase of an enterprise. |
EnduringTask | IndividualType | An Undertaking recognised by an enterprise as being essential to achieving its goals - i.e. a strategic specification of what the enterprise does. |
EnterprisePhase | IndividualType | An UndertakingState that is a current or future state of a WholeLifeEnterprise or another EnterprisePhase. |
EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask | IndividualType | A ParticipationExtent whose extent is the participation of an EnterprisePhase (or WholeLifeEnterprise) in an EnduringTask. |
ModemIndividualElement | IndividualType | An Individual that can feature in a MODEM architecture. |
UndertakingPart | IndividualType | A ModemIndividualElement that is part of an Undertaking. |
UndertakingState | IndividualType | An UndertakingPart that is a temporal part of an Undertaking. |
WholeLifeEnterprise | IndividualType | An EnterprisePhase that represents the whole existance of an enterprise. |
constraintOnIndividual | TupleType | A couple that asserts a constraint placed upon a ModemThing related to a ModemThing. |
enduringTaskEnterpriseRole | TupleType | A processWholeRoleExtentPart which relates an EnduringTaskPhase to an EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask. |
enterpriseGoal | TupleType | A describedBy that relates a StatementOfGoal to the EnterprisePhase it describes. |
enterpriseRole | TupleType | An agentParticipation where the agent is a WholeLifeEnterprise and the participation is an EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask. An enterpriseRole relates a WholeLifeEnterprise to a role it performs in an EnduringTask. |
enterpriseStructure | TupleType | A wholePart that asserts that one EnterprisePhase is a spatial part of another. |
enterpriseTemporalPart | TupleType | An enterpriseStructure and a temporalWholePart that asserts that one EnterprisePhase is a temporal part of another (i.e. it is a phase of the other). |
enterpriseVision | TupleType | A describedBy that relates a VisionStatement to the EnteprisePhase it describes. |
enterpriseWholePhase | TupleType | An enterpriseTemporalPart where whole is a WholeLifeEnterprise. |
phaseOfEnduringTask | TupleType | An undertakingWholeState where the state (part) is an EnduringTaskPhase and the whole is an EnduringTask. |
Table ‑: C8 Element List
Cr – Capability Roadmap
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
ApplicableMoE | Type | An ApplicableMeasureCategory where the categories are MeasureOfEffectivenessCategories and the things being measured are Capabilities. |
Capability | Type | A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome. |
CapabilityConfiguration | Type | A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities. A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes. |
CapabilityConfigurationInPackage | Type | A ResourceInPackage where the ResourceType is a CapabilityConfiguration and the package is a ResourcePackageSpecification. |
CapabilityPackageSpecification | Type | A ResourcePackageSpecification that contains at least one CapabilityConfiguration. |
CBRNEnvironment | Type | An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear environment in which an Enterprise may operate. |
EnvironmentalFactor | Type | A GeopoliticalLocationStateType that defines some aspect of the environment in which an Enterprise may operate. |
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType | Type | A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components. |
LightConditions | Type | An EnvironmentmentalFactor that defines the types of light (e.g. broad daylight, dusk, moonlit, etc.) in which an Enterprise may operate. |
Measure | Type | A Property whose members are Individuals that all share a common, measurable property, or whose properties lie within a MeasureRange. Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km. |
MeasureCategory | Type | A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance. Examples: Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness. |
MeasureInContext | Type | A ModemIndividualType that brings together EnvironmentalFactors with a Measure in order to qualify the measure. Examples: 40mph in desert, 1km range in cloudy conditions |
MeasurePoint | Type | A Measure whose members are Individuals that all share a common property that can be measured. Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km. |
MeasureRange | Type | A Measure that is characterised by two MeasurePoints that define its upper and lower bounds. |
ResourceInPackage | Type | A ResourceUsage that specifies that a ResourceType is part of a DeliveryPackageSpecification |
ResourcePackageSpecification | Type | A ResourcePackageType that specifies the types of Resource (i.e. ResourceTypes) that make up a ResourcePackage. |
ResourceType | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT]. |
TerrainType | Type | An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of ground conditions that an Enterprise may operate in. Note: TerrainType is a subtype of GeopoliticalLocationStateType as the terrain may change over time (e.g. muddy, frozen ground, deep snow, etc.) |
SituationType | Type | An EnvironmentalFactor used to describe the types and levels of threat under which an Enterprise may operate. Examples: Corrosive, Fire, Smoke, Peaceful, Under Fire, Under Heavy Fire, etc |
WeatherConditions | Type | An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of weather in which an Enterprise may operate. |
EnterprisePackageEvent | IndividualType | A ResourcePackageState that is an event that occurs in a WholeLifeEnterprise - e.g. the introduction of a new Capability at the point of a PackageInService. |
PackageInService | IndividualType | An IndividualResourceState that marks in in-service point for a ResourcePackage. |
PackageOutOfService | IndividualType | An IndividualResourceState which marks the point at which a ResourcePackage ceases to be in service. Note: the components of the package may go on in service in some other configuration, but the package itself is retired |
Project | IndividualType | An Undertaking that is a time-limited endeavour to create a specific set of products or services. |
ProjectMilestone | IndividualType | A ProjectPart that marks the end of one ProjectPhase and possibly the beginning of another. Note: the temporal extent of a ProjectMilestone is likely to be finite - e.g. there may be milestone meetings, funding reviews, etc. before another Project or ProjectPhase can start. |
ProjectPhase | IndividualType | A ProjectState that is a temporal part of a Project and has been nominated as a phase of a Project. |
ResourcePackage | IndividualType | A HumanAndNonHumanConfiguration that is a collection of IndividualResources for a purpose. Example: All the fully configured aircraft delivered in an acquisition programme Example: A force element package put together for a particular operation Example: A tranche of new assets delivered into an enterprise |
ResourcePackageState | IndividualType | A temporal part of a ResourcePackage. |
WholeLifeEnterprise | IndividualType | An EnterprisePhase that represents the whole existance of an enterprise. |
capabilityPackageDeliversCapability | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation where a CapabilityPackageSpecification provides a Capability. |
capabilityRealisation | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates a CapabilityConfiguration to a Capability. |
capabilitySpecialisation | TupleType | A superSubtype that relates one Capability (supertype) to a more specialised Capability (subtype). |
environmentalContext | TupleType | A couple that relates a MeasureInContext to an EnvironmentalFactor in order to qualify the measure. |
inService | TupleType | A startBorder that indicates that a PackageInService marks the introduction into service of a ResourcePackage. |
lowerBoundOfMeasureRange | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the lower bound (i.e. minimum measure) of a MeasureRange. |
measureTypeInstance | TupleType | A typeInstance that asserts a Measure is an instance of a MeasureCategory. Examples: 2kg is a mass, 40m/s is a velocity. |
milestoneBegins | TupleType | A startBoundary that asserts a ProjectMilestone marks the beginning of a Project or ProjectPhase. |
milestoneEnds | TupleType | An endBoundary that asserts a ProjectMilestone marks the end of a Project or ProjectPhase. |
outOfService | TupleType | An endBorder that indicates that an PackageOutOfService marks the termination of service of a ResourcePackage |
packageEventInEnterprise | TupleType | An enterpriseWholePart where a EnterprisePackageEvent is part of a WholeLifeEnterprise - e.g. the package is rolled-out into the enterprise. |
packageSpecification | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeInstance that relates a ResourcePackage to the ResourcePackageSpecification that specifies the types of Resource it consists of. |
projectWholePhase | TupleType | A projectPhaseTemporalPart where the whole is a Project. |
qualifiedMeasure | TupleType | A superSubtype that relates a MeasureInContext to the measure it qualifies. |
resourcePackageMeasure | TupleType | A measureOfIndividual where the measure Individual is a ResourcePackage. |
resourceStateInMilestone | TupleType | A modemWholePart that asserts a ResourcePackageState occurs within a ProjectMilestone. |
resourceTypeMeasure | TupleType | A measureOfType where the type is a ResourceType. |
upperBoundOfMeasureRange | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the upper bound (i.e. maximum measure) of a MeasureRange. |
Table : Cr Element List