Concepts Layer

C1 – Capability Taxonomy

C1 Logical Diagram
C1 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
ApplicableMoE Type An ApplicableMeasureCategory where the categories are MeasureOfEffectivenessCategories and the things being measured are Capabilities.
Capability Type A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome.
MeasureCategory Type

A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance.


Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness.

capabilitySpecialisation TupleType A superSubtype that relates one Capability (supertype) to a more specialised Capability (subtype).

Table : C1 Element List

C2 - Enterprise Vision

C2 Logical Diagram
C2 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
ApplicableMoE Type An ApplicableMeasureCategory where the categories are MeasureOfEffectivenessCategories and the things being measured are Capabilities.
BenefitOfGoal Type A RepresentationInStructure where a BenefitStatement is part of a StatementOfGoal.
BenefitStatement Type A StringDescription that is part of a StatementOfGoal which describes a benefit realised by achieving the goal.
Capability Type A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome.
CBRNEnvironment Type An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear environment in which an Enterprise may operate.
EnvironmentalFactor Type A GeopoliticalLocationStateType that defines some aspect of the environment in which an Enterprise may operate.
LightConditions Type An EnvironmentmentalFactor that defines the types of light (e.g. broad daylight, dusk, moonlit, etc.) in which an Enterprise may operate.
Measure Type A Property whose members are Individuals that all share a common, measurable property, or whose properties lie within a MeasureRange.
Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km.
MeasureCategory Type A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance.
Examples: Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness.
MeasureInContext Type A ModemIndividualType that brings together EnvironmentalFactors with a Measure in order to qualify the measure.
Examples: 40mph in desert, 1km range in cloudy conditions.
MeasurePoint Type A Measure whose members are Individuals that all share a common property that can be measured.
Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km.
MeasureRange Type A Measure that is characterised by two MeasurePoints that define its upper and lower bounds.
SituationType Type An EnvironmentalFactor used to describe the types and levels of threat under which an Enterprise may operate.
Examples: Corrosive, Fire, Smoke, Peaceful, Under Fire, Under Heavy Fire, etc.
SubGoal Type A RepresentationInStructure where one StatementOfGoal is part of another.
TerrainType Type An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of ground conditions that an Enterprise may operate in.
Note: TerrainType is a subtype of GeopoliticalLocationStateType as the terrain may change over time (e.g. muddy, frozen ground, deep snow, etc.)
VisionStatement Type A StringDescription that is a short paragraph outlining the vision for a given phase of an enterprise.
EnduringTask IndividualType An Undertaking recognised by an enterprise as being essential to achieving its goals - i.e. a strategic specification of what the enterprise does.
EnduringTaskPhase IndividualType A ProcessState that is a temporal part of an EnduringTask.
EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask IndividualType A ParticipationExtent whose extent is the participation of an EnterprisePhase (or WholeLifeEnterprise) in an EnduringTask.
EnterprisePhase IndividualType An UndertakingState that is a current or future state of a WholeLifeEnterprise or another EnterprisePhase.
HumanResourceRoleInEnduringTask IndividualType A ParticipationExtent where the participant is a ResponsibleHumanResource and the Process is an EnduringTask.
Organisation IndividualType A ConstructedHumanResource which is an Organisation.
Person IndividualType An individual human being.
Post IndividualType A HumanResource that is a position in an Organisation that may be filled wholly or partly by a ResponsibleHumanResource; in other words, by an Organisation, Person or Post. As the position is in the Organisation, it is a part of the Organisation.
Project IndividualType An Undertaking that is a time-limited endeavour to create a specific set of products or services.
WholeLifeEnterprise IndividualType An EnterprisePhase that represents the whole existance of an enterprise.
capabilityForTask TupleType A propertyOfIndividual that asserts a Capability is required in order for an Enterprise to conduct a phase of an EnduringTask.
enduringTaskEnterpriseRole TupleType A processWholeRoleExtentPart which relates an EnduringTaskPhase to an EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask.
enduringTaskHumanResourceRole TupleType A processWholeRoleExtentPart where the Process is an EnduringTask and the involved Individual is a ResponsibleHumanResource.
enterpriseVision TupleType A describedBy that relates a VisionStatement to the EnteprisePhase it describes.
enterpriseGoal TupleType A describedBy that relates a StatementOfGoal to the EnterprisePhase it describes.
enterpriseMeasureOfEffectiveness TupleType A measureOfIndividual where the Individual is an EnterprisePhase and the measure is a MeasureOfEffectiveness.
enterpriseRole TupleType An agentParticipation where the agent is a WholeLifeEnterprise and the participation is an EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask. An enterpriseRole relates a WholeLifeEnterprise to a role it performs in an EnduringTask
enterpriseStructure TupleType A wholePart that asserts that one EnterprisePhase is a spatial part of another.
enterpriseTemporalPart TupleType An enterpriseStructure and a temporalWholePart that asserts that one EnterprisePhase is a temporal part of another (i.e. it is a phase of the other).
enterpriseWholePhase TupleType An enterpriseTemporalPart where whole is a WholeLifeEnterprise.
environmentalContext TupleType A couple that relates a MeasureInContext to an EnvironmentalFactor in order to qualify the measure.
exhibitsCapability TupleType A propertyOfIndividual that relates an EnteprisePhase to a Capability that it exhibits. Note: replaces exhibits tagged value in M3
humanResourceEnduringTaskRole TupleType An agentParticipation where the Agent is a ResponsibleHumanResource and the Process is an EnduringTask.
measureTypeInstance TupleType A typeInstance that asserts a Measure is an instance of a MeasureCategory. Examples: 2kg is a mass, 40m/s is a velocity
phaseOfEnduringTask TupleType An undertakingWholeState where the state (part) is an EnduringTaskPhase and the whole is an EnduringTask.
qualifiedMeasure TupleType A superSubtype that relates a MeasureInContext to the measure it qualifies.
taskMeasureOfEffectiveness TupleType A measureOfIndividual that asserts a Measure is an MoE for an EnduringTaskPhase
upperBoundOfMeasureRange TupleType A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the upper bound (i.e. maximum measure) of a MeasureRange.

Table ‑: C2 Element List

C3 - Capability Dependencies

C3 Logical Diagram
C3 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
Capability Type A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome.
CapabilityComposition Type A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance.
Examples: Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness.
capabilityDependency TupleType A couple that relates a (dependent) Capability to a Capability it is dependentUpon
capabilitySpecialisation TupleType A superSubtype that relates one Capability (supertype) to a more specialised Capability (subtype).

Table ‑: C3 Element List

C4 – Standard Processes

C4 Logical Diagram
C4 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
ActivityGroup Type An OperationalActivity that is entirely composed of other OperationalActivities.
ActivityGrouping Type An ActivityComposition where the parent Activity is an ActivityGroup.
Capability Type A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome.
CapabilityRole Type A ParticipationExtentType which is the extent of a Capability's participation in a StandardActivity.
OperationalActivity Type A ProcessType that is a type of logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Note: an OperationalActivity may only be carried out by a logical Node.
RoleInStandardActivity Type A ProcessWholeRoleExtentPartType that relates a StandardActivity to a CapabilityRole.
RoleOfCapability Type An AgentParticipationType that relates a Capability to its role in a StandardOperationalActivity.
StandardActivity Type A ProcessType that is a standard procedure (e.g. doctrinal tasks). Note: This is equivalent to what some defence organisations call JETLs. Note: was called "StandardOperationalActivity" in M3.
StandardActivityComposition Type A TypicalWholePart that asserts one StandardActivity is part of another.
EnduringTask IndividualType An Undertaking recognised by an enterprise as being essential to achieving its goals - i.e. a strategic specification of what the enterprise does.
EnduringTaskPhase IndividualType A ProcessState that is a temporal part of an EnduringTask.
capabilityForTask TupleType A propertyOfIndividual that asserts a Capability is required in order for an Enterprise to conduct a phase of an EnduringTask.
templateForTask TupleType A modemIndividualTypeInstance that relates an EnduringTask to an EnduringTaskTemplate that specifies it.

Table : C4 Element List

C5 – Effects


C6 – Not Used

C7 – Performance Parameters

C7 Logical Diagram
C7 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
ApplicableMoE Type An ApplicableMeasureCategory where the categories are MeasureOfEffectivenessCategories and the things being measured are Capabilities.
Capability Type A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome.
MeasureCategory Type A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance.
Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness.

C7 Element List

C8 – Planning Assumptions

C8 Logical Diagram
C8 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
BenefitOfGoal Type A RepresentationInStructure where a BenefitStatement is part of a StatementOfGoal.
BenefitStatement Type A StringDescription that is part of a StatementOfGoal which describes a benefit realised by achieving the goal.
Constraint Type An IndividualType that is the collection of all the objects subject to a particular constraint.
StatementOfGoal Type A StringDescription that is a specific, required objective for an EnterprisePhase.
SubGoal Type A RepresentationInStructure where one StatementOfGoal is part of another.
VisionStatement Type A StringDescription that is a short paragraph outlining the vision for a given phase of an enterprise.
EnduringTask IndividualType An Undertaking recognised by an enterprise as being essential to achieving its goals - i.e. a strategic specification of what the enterprise does.
EnterprisePhase IndividualType An UndertakingState that is a current or future state of a WholeLifeEnterprise or another EnterprisePhase.
EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask IndividualType A ParticipationExtent whose extent is the participation of an EnterprisePhase (or WholeLifeEnterprise) in an EnduringTask.
ModemIndividualElement IndividualType An Individual that can feature in a MODEM architecture.
UndertakingPart IndividualType A ModemIndividualElement that is part of an Undertaking.
UndertakingState IndividualType An UndertakingPart that is a temporal part of an Undertaking.
WholeLifeEnterprise IndividualType An EnterprisePhase that represents the whole existance of an enterprise.
constraintOnIndividual TupleType A couple that asserts a constraint placed upon a ModemThing related to a ModemThing.
enduringTaskEnterpriseRole TupleType A processWholeRoleExtentPart which relates an EnduringTaskPhase to an EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask.
enterpriseGoal TupleType A describedBy that relates a StatementOfGoal to the EnterprisePhase it describes.
enterpriseRole TupleType An agentParticipation where the agent is a WholeLifeEnterprise and the participation is an EnterpriseRoleInEnduringTask. An enterpriseRole relates a WholeLifeEnterprise to a role it performs in an EnduringTask.
enterpriseStructure TupleType A wholePart that asserts that one EnterprisePhase is a spatial part of another.
enterpriseTemporalPart TupleType An enterpriseStructure and a temporalWholePart that asserts that one EnterprisePhase is a temporal part of another (i.e. it is a phase of the other).
enterpriseVision TupleType A describedBy that relates a VisionStatement to the EnteprisePhase it describes.
enterpriseWholePhase TupleType An enterpriseTemporalPart where whole is a WholeLifeEnterprise.
phaseOfEnduringTask TupleType An undertakingWholeState where the state (part) is an EnduringTaskPhase and the whole is an EnduringTask.

Table ‑: C8 Element List

Cr – Capability Roadmap

Cr Logical Diagram
Cr Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
ApplicableMoE Type An ApplicableMeasureCategory where the categories are MeasureOfEffectivenessCategories and the things being measured are Capabilities.
Capability Type A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome.
CapabilityConfiguration Type A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities. A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes.
CapabilityConfigurationInPackage Type A ResourceInPackage where the ResourceType is a CapabilityConfiguration and the package is a ResourcePackageSpecification.
CapabilityPackageSpecification Type A ResourcePackageSpecification that contains at least one CapabilityConfiguration.
CBRNEnvironment Type An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear environment in which an Enterprise may operate.
EnvironmentalFactor Type A GeopoliticalLocationStateType that defines some aspect of the environment in which an Enterprise may operate.
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType Type A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components.
LightConditions Type An EnvironmentmentalFactor that defines the types of light (e.g. broad daylight, dusk, moonlit, etc.) in which an Enterprise may operate.
Measure Type A Property whose members are Individuals that all share a common, measurable property, or whose properties lie within a MeasureRange.
Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km.
MeasureCategory Type A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance.
Examples: Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness.
MeasureInContext Type A ModemIndividualType that brings together EnvironmentalFactors with a Measure in order to qualify the measure.
Examples: 40mph in desert, 1km range in cloudy conditions
MeasurePoint Type A Measure whose members are Individuals that all share a common property that can be measured.
Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km.
MeasureRange Type A Measure that is characterised by two MeasurePoints that define its upper and lower bounds.
ResourceInPackage Type A ResourceUsage that specifies that a ResourceType is part of a DeliveryPackageSpecification
ResourcePackageSpecification Type A ResourcePackageType that specifies the types of Resource (i.e. ResourceTypes) that make up a ResourcePackage.
ResourceType Type A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT].
TerrainType Type An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of ground conditions that an Enterprise may operate in.
Note: TerrainType is a subtype of GeopoliticalLocationStateType as the terrain may change over time (e.g. muddy, frozen ground, deep snow, etc.)
SituationType Type An EnvironmentalFactor used to describe the types and levels of threat under which an Enterprise may operate.
Examples: Corrosive, Fire, Smoke, Peaceful, Under Fire, Under Heavy Fire, etc
WeatherConditions Type An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of weather in which an Enterprise may operate.
EnterprisePackageEvent IndividualType A ResourcePackageState that is an event that occurs in a WholeLifeEnterprise - e.g. the introduction of a new Capability at the point of a PackageInService.
PackageInService IndividualType An IndividualResourceState that marks in in-service point for a ResourcePackage.
PackageOutOfService IndividualType An IndividualResourceState which marks the point at which a ResourcePackage ceases to be in service.
Note: the components of the package may go on in service in some other configuration, but the package itself is retired
Project IndividualType An Undertaking that is a time-limited endeavour to create a specific set of products or services.
ProjectMilestone IndividualType A ProjectPart that marks the end of one ProjectPhase and possibly the beginning of another.
Note: the temporal extent of a ProjectMilestone is likely to be finite - e.g. there may be milestone meetings, funding reviews, etc. before another Project or ProjectPhase can start.
ProjectPhase IndividualType A ProjectState that is a temporal part of a Project and has been nominated as a phase of a Project.
ResourcePackage IndividualType A HumanAndNonHumanConfiguration that is a collection of IndividualResources for a purpose.
Example: All the fully configured aircraft delivered in an acquisition programme
Example: A force element package put together for a particular operation
Example: A tranche of new assets delivered into an enterprise
ResourcePackageState IndividualType A temporal part of a ResourcePackage.
WholeLifeEnterprise IndividualType An EnterprisePhase that represents the whole existance of an enterprise.
capabilityPackageDeliversCapability TupleType A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation where a CapabilityPackageSpecification provides a Capability.
capabilityRealisation TupleType A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates a CapabilityConfiguration to a Capability.
capabilitySpecialisation TupleType A superSubtype that relates one Capability (supertype) to a more specialised Capability (subtype).
environmentalContext TupleType A couple that relates a MeasureInContext to an EnvironmentalFactor in order to qualify the measure.
inService TupleType A startBorder that indicates that a PackageInService marks the introduction into service of a ResourcePackage.
lowerBoundOfMeasureRange TupleType A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the lower bound (i.e. minimum measure) of a MeasureRange.
measureTypeInstance TupleType A typeInstance that asserts a Measure is an instance of a MeasureCategory. Examples: 2kg is a mass, 40m/s is a velocity.
milestoneBegins TupleType A startBoundary that asserts a ProjectMilestone marks the beginning of a Project or ProjectPhase.
milestoneEnds TupleType An endBoundary that asserts a ProjectMilestone marks the end of a Project or ProjectPhase.
outOfService TupleType An endBorder that indicates that an PackageOutOfService marks the termination of service of a ResourcePackage
packageEventInEnterprise TupleType An enterpriseWholePart where a EnterprisePackageEvent is part of a WholeLifeEnterprise - e.g. the package is rolled-out into the enterprise.
packageSpecification TupleType A modemIndividualTypeInstance that relates a ResourcePackage to the ResourcePackageSpecification that specifies the types of Resource it consists of.
projectWholePhase TupleType A projectPhaseTemporalPart where the whole is a Project.
qualifiedMeasure TupleType A superSubtype that relates a MeasureInContext to the measure it qualifies.
resourcePackageMeasure TupleType A measureOfIndividual where the measure Individual is a ResourcePackage.
resourceStateInMilestone TupleType A modemWholePart that asserts a ResourcePackageState occurs within a ProjectMilestone.
resourceTypeMeasure TupleType A measureOfType where the type is a ResourceType.
upperBoundOfMeasureRange TupleType A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the upper bound (i.e. maximum measure) of a MeasureRange.

Table : Cr Element List