Physical Resource Specifications Layer
P1 – Resource Types
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
ArtefactType | Type | A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of Artefact. Examples are "car", "radio", "diesel", etc. Note: It has no human components. |
Capability | Type | A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome. |
CapabilityConfiguration | Type | A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities. A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes. |
CBRNEnvironment | Type | An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear environment in which an Enterprise may operate. |
EnvironmentalFactor | Type | A GeopoliticalLocationStateType that defines some aspect of the environment in which an Enterprise may operate. |
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType | Type | A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components. |
HumanResourceType | Type | A ResourceType that is a type of HumanResource. A PersonType, PostType, OrganisationType or OrganisationRoleType. [ABSTRACT] Note: was called "OrganisationalResource" in M3 v1.2. Note: was called "OrganisationalResourceType" in M3. |
LightConditions | Type | An EnvironmentmentalFactor that defines the types of light (e.g. broad daylight, dusk, moonlit, etc.) in which an Enterprise may operate. |
Measure | Type | A Property whose members are Individuals that all share a common, measurable property, or whose properties lie within a MeasureRange. Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km. |
MeasureCategory | Type | A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance. Examples: Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness. |
MeasureInContext | Type | A ModemIndividualType that brings together EnvironmentalFactors with a Measure in order to qualify the measure. Examples: 40mph in desert, 1km range in cloudy conditions. |
MeasurePoint | Type | A Measure whose members are Individuals that all share a common property that can be measured. Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km. |
MeasureRange | Type | A Measure that is characterised by two MeasurePoints that define its upper and lower bounds. |
NaturalResourceType | Type | A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of NaturalResource. |
Node | Type | A NodeState that is used in context of a NodeParent. |
NonHumanResourceType | Type | A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource). [ABSTRACT] |
OrganisationType | Type | A ResponsibleHumanResourceType and a ConstructedHumanResourceType that is a type of Organisation. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. Examples: Government Department, Commercial Company, Accounting Department. |
PersonType | Type | A ResponsibleHumanResourceType that is a type of person. |
PhysicalArchitecture | Type | A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase. |
PostType | Type | An ConstructedHumanResourceType and ResponsibleHumanResourceType specifying a type of Post. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. A type of point of contact or responsible person. Note that this is the type of post - e.g. Desk Officer, Commander, etc. |
Property | Type | An IndividualType whose members all exhibit a common trait or feature. Often the Individuals are states having a property (the state of being 18 degrees centigrade), where this property can be a CategoricalProperty (qv.) or a DispositionalProperty (qv.). Examples: Ability to fly at Mach 2, 10kg. |
ResourceType | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT] |
SituationType | Type | An EnvironmentalFactor used to describe the types and levels of threat under which an Enterprise may operate. Examples: Corrosive, Fire, Smoke, Peaceful, Under Fire, Under Heavy Fire, etc. |
SoftwareType | Type | An ArtefactType that is a type of Software. |
StandardConfiguration | Type | A CapabilityConfiguration that has been designated as a standard configuration. |
Technology | Type | An ArtefactPowertype that is a class of Artefact that defines a branch of engineering or computer science. |
TerrainType | Type | An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of ground conditions that an Enterprise may operate in. Note: TerrainType is a subtype of GeopoliticalLocationStateType as the terrain may change over time (e.g. muddy, frozen ground, deep snow, etc.) |
branchOfTechnology | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that asserts an ArtefactType belongs to a branch of Technology. |
capabilityRealisation | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates a CapabilityConfiguration to a Capability. |
environmentalContext | TupleType | A couple that relates a MeasureInContext to an EnvironmentalFactor in order to qualify the measure. |
lowerBoundOfMeasureRange | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the lower bound (i.e. minimum measure) of a MeasureRange. |
nodeRealisation | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts that a ResourceType provides the functionality specified by an operational node. |
qualifiedMeasure | TupleType | A superSubtype that relates a MeasureInContext to the measure it qualifies. |
resourceTypeMeasure | TupleType | A measureOfType where the type is a ResourceType |
resourceTypeProperty | TupleType | A propertyOfType where the type is a ResourceType. |
upperBoundOfMeasureRange | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the upper bound (i.e. maximum measure) of a MeasureRange. |
Table ‑: P1 Element List
P2 – Resource Structure
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
ArtefactType | Type | A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of Artefact. Examples are "car", "radio", "diesel", etc. Note: It has no human components. |
CapabilityConfiguration | Type | A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities. A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes. |
Commands | Type | A ResourceCommunication where one ResponsibleHumanResourceTypeConfigurationUsage commands another. |
ConfiguredResourceType | Type | An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType. |
Controls | Type | A ResourceCommunication where one InteractionElement controls another. |
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType | Type | A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components. |
HumanResourceType | Type | A ResourceType that is a type of HumanResource. A PersonType, PostType, OrganisationType or OrganisationRoleType. [ABSTRACT] Note: was called "OrganisationalResource" in M3 v1.2. Note: was called "OrganisationalResourceType" in M3. |
NaturalResourceType | Type | A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of NaturalResource. |
Node | Type | A NodeState that is used in context of a NodeParent. |
NonHumanResourceType | Type | A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource). [ABSTRACT] |
OrganisationType | Type | A ResponsibleHumanResourceType and a ConstructedHumanResourceType that is a type of Organisation. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. Examples: Government Department, Commercial Company, Accounting Department. |
PersonType | Type | A ResponsibleHumanResourceType that is a type of person. |
PhysicalArchitecture | Type | A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase. |
PortConnector | Type | A ResourceCommunication that has a protocolStackSuperResourcePortConnectorTypeSubType to a ProtocolStack. Note: was called "ResourcePortConnector" in M3. |
PostType | Type | An ConstructedHumanResourceType and ResponsibleHumanResourceType specifying a type of Post. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. A type of point of contact or responsible person. Note that this is the type of post - e.g. Desk Officer, Commander, etc. |
ResourceCommunication | Type | A ResourceInteraction where DataElements are exchanged. |
ResourceEnergyFlow | Type | A ResourceInteraction where energy is transferred between ResourceUsages. |
ResourceInteraction | Type | An ExchangeType where two ResourceTypes interact. [ABSTRACT] Examples: data exchange between systems, conversations between people, people using systems, flows of materiel from one resource to another, etc. |
ResourceMovement | Type | A ResourceInteraction where the element that flows is a ResourceType. |
ResourceType | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT] |
ResourceTypeConfiguration | Type | A ModemWholePartType that is a relationship between types of ResourceTypeUsages which asserts one ResourceTypeUsage is part of another. |
ResourceTypeExport | Type | A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction exports from a ResourceTypeUsage. |
ResourceTypeImport | Type | A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction imports from a ResourceTypeUsage. |
IndividualResourcePowertype | PowerType | The powertype of IndividualResourceState. |
SoftwareType | Type | An ArtefactType that is a type of Software. |
capabilityRealisation | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates a CapabilityConfiguration to a Capability. |
configurationType | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts that a ResourceType is a superType of ConfiguredResourceType. |
nodeRealisation | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts that a ResourceType provides the functionality specified by an operational node. |
Table ‑: P2 Element List
P3 – Resource Connectivity
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
ArtefactType | Type | A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of Artefact. Examples are "car", "radio", "diesel", etc. Note: It has no human components. |
CapabilityConfiguration | Type | A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities. A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes. |
ConfiguredResourceType | Type | An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType. |
DataElement | Type | A SymbolOrSymbolStringType that represents interactions between resource elements. |
FrequencyRange | Type | A MeasureRange that specifies maximum and minimum frequencies, measured in Hertz as real numbers. |
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType | Type | A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components. |
Measure | Type | A Property whose members are Individuals that all share a common, measurable property, or whose properties lie within a MeasureRange. Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km. |
MeasurePoint | Type | A Measure whose members are Individuals that all share a common property that can be measured. Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km. |
MeasureRange | Type | A Measure that is characterised by two MeasurePoints that define its upper and lower bounds. |
NonHumanResourceType | Type | A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource) [ABSTRACT]. |
PhysicalArchitecture | Type | A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase. |
Port | Type | An ArtefactComponent that is a type of IndividualPort. Note: was called "ResourcePort" in M3. |
PortComponentOfTypeOfArtefact | Type | A NonHumanResourceUsage that asserts a Port is a component of a type of Artefact. |
PortConnectedToPortConnectorComponent | Type | A PortConnectedToPortConnectorComponent that is a type of IndividualPortConnectedToPortConnector that asserts a Port is a part of a PortConnector. |
PortConnector | Type | A ResourceCommunication that has a protocolStackSuperResourcePortConnectorTypeSubType to a ProtocolStack. Note: was called "ResourcePortConnector" in M3. |
Protocol | Type | A Standard for communication. |
ProtocolStack | Type | A ModemIndividualType that is all the Individuals which conform to one or more specified protocols (ordered into a stack) that may be implemented by one or more ResourcePorts. Note: was called "ImplementedProtocol" in M3. |
RadioFrequencyPort | Type | A Port that is a type of RadioFrequencyPort. |
ResourceCommunication | Type | A ResourceInteraction where DataElements are exchanged. |
ResourceInteraction | Type | An ExchangeType where two ResourceTypes interact. [ABSTRACT] Examples: data exchange between systems, conversations between people, people using systems, flows of materiel from one resource to another, etc. |
ResourceType | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT] |
ResourceTypeConfiguration | Type | A ModemWholePartType that is a relationship between types of ResourceTypeUsages which asserts one ResourceTypeUsage is part of another. |
ResourceTypeExport | Type | A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction exports from a ResourceTypeUsage. |
ResourceTypeImport | Type | A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction imports from a ResourceTypeUsage. |
RoleInCommunication | Type | A RoleInInteraction where the exchanged element is a DataElement exchanged over a ResourceCommunication |
RoleOfDataElement | Type | A RoleOfInteractionElement where the element is a DataElement |
SoftwareType | Type | An ArtefactType that is a type of Software. |
IndividualResourcePowertype | PowerType | The powertype of IndividualResourceState. |
configurationType | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts that a ResourceType is a superType of ConfiguredResourceType. |
isALayerIn | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts that a ProtocolStack is a kind of Protocol. The Protocol is a layer in the ProtocolStack. The order of the layering is determined by the Protocols' runsOn relations. Note: amalgamates "ProtocolLayer" and "ImplementedOn" in M3. |
lowerBoundOfMeasureRange | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the lower bound (i.e. minimum measure) of a MeasureRange. |
protocolStackSuperPortSubType | TupleType | A superSubType relation with a superType ProtocolStack and a subType Port. |
radioFrequencyPortConnectorFrequencyRange | TupleType | A radioFrequencyRangeAssignment that asserts a radio frequency range has been assigned to a RadioFrequencyPortConnector. |
radioFrequencyPortFrequencyRange | TupleType | A radioFrequencyRangeAssignment that asserts a radio frequency range has been assigned to a RadioFrequencyPort. |
runsOn | TupleType | A couple that asserts that one Protocol (client) may be implemented on another (supplier). This determines the layer order in the ProtocolStack. |
upperBoundOfMeasureRange | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the upper bound (i.e. maximum measure) of a MeasureRange. |
Table ‑: P3 Element List
P4 – Resource Functions
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
AffectedResource | Type | An IndividualRoleType where the role extent is an AffectedResourceRole and the whole is a ResourceType. |
AffectedResourceRole | Type | A ModemIndividualType that is the role played by a ResourceType when it is acted upon by a Function. |
ArtefactType | Type | A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of Artefact. Examples are "car", "radio", "diesel", etc. Note: It has no human components. |
CapabilityConfiguration | Type | A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities. A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes. |
Commands | Type | A ResourceCommunication where one ResponsibleHumanResourceTypeConfigurationUsage commands another. |
ConfiguredResourceType | Type | An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType. |
ConsumerFunction | Type | An IndividualExchangeRoleType where the role is a ResourceImport and the consumer is a Function. |
Controls | Type | A ResourceCommunication where one InteractionElement controls another. |
EffectFunction | Type | A TypicalWholePart that relates a ResourceFunction to the AffectedResourceRole played by a ResourceType when acted upon by the ResourceFunction. |
Function | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that is either carried out by a ResourceType or a ResourceTypeUsage. |
FunctionComposition | Type | A TypicalWholePart that relates a parent (whole) Function to its child (part) Function. |
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType | Type | A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components. |
HumanResourceType | Type | A ResourceType that is a type of HumanResource. A PersonType, PostType, OrganisationType or OrganisationRoleType. [ABSTRACT] Note: was called "OrganisationalResource" in M3 v1.2. Note: was called "OrganisationalResourceType" in M3. |
NaturalResourceType | Type | A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of NaturalResource. |
NonHumanResourceType | Type | A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource). [ABSTRACT] |
OrganisationType | Type | A ResponsibleHumanResourceType and a ConstructedHumanResourceType that is a type of Organisation. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. Examples: Government Department, Commercial Company, Accounting Department. |
PerformsFunction | Type | A CapableOf that asserts a Function is conducted by a ResourceType. |
PersonType | Type | A ResponsibleHumanResourceType that is a type of person. |
PhysicalArchitecture | Type | A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase. |
PostType | Type | A ConstructedHumanResourceType and ResponsibleHumanResourceType specifying a type of Post. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. A type of point of contact or responsible person. Note that this is the type of post - e.g. Desk Officer, Commander, etc. |
ProducerFunction | Type | An IndividualExchangeRoleType where the role is a ResourceExport and the producer is a ResourceFunction. |
ResourceCommunication | Type | A ResourceInteraction where DataElements are exchanged. |
ResourceEnergyFlow | Type | A ResourceInteraction where energy is transferred between ResourceUsages. |
ResourceExport | Type | A SendType where the sender is a ResourceType or Function. |
ResourceFunction | Type | A Function carried out by a ResourceType |
ResourceImport | Type | A ReceiveType where the receiver is a ResourceType or Function. |
ResourceInteraction | Type | An ExchangeType where two ResourceTypes interact. [ABSTRACT] Examples: data exchange between systems, conversations between people, people using systems, flows of materiel from one resource to another, etc. |
ResourceInteractionExport | Type | A SendInExchangeType where the sender is a ResourceType or Function. |
ResourceInteractionImport | Type | A RecieveInExchangeType where the receiver is a ResourceType or Function. |
ResourceMovement | Type | A ResourceInteraction where the element that flows is a ResourceType. |
ResourceType | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT] |
SoftwareType | Type | An ArtefactType that is a type of Software. |
UsagePerformsFunction | Type | A CapableOfType where a ResoureceTypeUsage is capable of conducting a UsageSpecificFunction. |
UsageSpecificFunction | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that is a particular usage of a Function. Note: this is used where there is a requirement to distinguish between two uses of a ResourceType which both have the same functionality, but put to different purposes. This is particularly important for tracing back to OV-5 Activities. |
IndividualResourcePowertype | PowerType | The powertype of IndividualResourceState. |
configurationType | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts that a ResourceType is a superType of ConfiguredResourceType. |
Table ‑: P4 Element List
L4-P4 – Activity to Function Mapping
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
ActivityGroup | Type | An OperationalActivity that is entirely composed of other OperationalActivities. |
ActivityGrouping | Type | An ActivityComposition where the parent Activity is an ActivityGroup. |
ConfiguredResourceType | Type | An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType. |
Function | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that is either carried out by a ResourceType or a ResourceTypeUsage. |
FunctionGroup | Type | A Function that is entirely composed of other Functions |
FunctionGrouping | Type | A FunctionComposition where the parent is a FunctionGroup. |
OperationalActivity | Type | A ProcessType that is a type of logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Note: an OperationalActivity may only be carried out by a logical Node. |
PerformsFunction | Type | A CapableOf that asserts a Function is conducted by a ResourceType. |
ResourceFunction | Type | A Function carried out by a ResourceType |
ResourceType | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT] |
ServiceFunction | Type | A ServiceProcess carried out by a ServiceSpecification. |
UsagePerformsFunction | Type | A CapableOfType where a ResoureceTypeUsage is capable of conducting a UsageSpecificFunction. |
UsageSpecificFunction | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that is a particular usage of a Function. Note: this is used where there is a requirement to distinguish between two uses of a ResourceType which both have the same functionality, but put to different purposes. This is particularly important for tracing back to OV-5 Activities. |
activityFunctionMapping | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates an OperationalActivity or ActivityGroup to the Function or FunctionGroup that realises it |
serviceFunctionFunctionMapping | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates an OperationalActivity or ActivityGroup to the Function or FunctionGroup that realises it. |
Table L4-P4 Element List
P5 – Resource States
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
CapabilityConfiguration | Type | A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities. A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes. |
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType | Type | A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components. |
HumanResourceType | Type | A ResourceType that is a type of HumanResource. A PersonType, PostType, OrganisationType or OrganisationRoleType. [ABSTRACT] Note: was called "OrganisationalResource" in M3 v1.2. Note: was called "OrganisationalResourceType" in M3. |
NaturalResourceType | Type | A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of NaturalResource. |
NonHumanResourceType | Type | A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource). [ABSTRACT] |
OrganisationType | Type | A ResponsibleHumanResourceType and a ConstructedHumanResourceType that is a type of Organisation. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. Examples: Government Department, Commercial Company, Accounting Department. |
PersonType | Type | A ResponsibleHumanResourceType that is a type of person. |
PhysicalArchitecture | Type | A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase. |
PostType | Type | A ConstructedHumanResourceType and ResponsibleHumanResourceType specifying a type of Post. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. A type of point of contact or responsible person. Note that this is the type of post - e.g. Desk Officer, Commander, etc. |
ResourceStateType | Type | |
ResourceType | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT] |
SoftwareType | Type | An ArtefactType that is a type of Software. |
StateMachine | Type | A StateMachineViews used to model typical states and transitions for ModemIndividualElementTypes. |
StateMachineRegion | Type | A StateMachineRegions which is part of a StateMachine. |
StateSpecification | Type | An OwnedStateSets used in a MODEM state machine. |
StateTransition | Type | A StateSuccessionType indicating there is a possible transition between StateSpecifications. |
regionOfStateMachine | TupleType | A stateMachineViewTypesRegionInstances which relates a StateMachineRegion to a StateMachine. |
stateInRegion | TupleType | A regionTypeInstance that asserts a StateSpecification features in a StateMachineRegion. |
stateMachineForResourceType | TupleType | A appliedStateMachine that relates a ResourceType to its state machine. |
stateTransitionInRegion | TupleType | A regionTypeInstance that asserts a StateTransition features in a StateMachineRegion. |
Table ‑: P5 Element List
P6 – Resource Sequence
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
ConfiguredResourceType | Type | An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType. |
Delay | Type | A TriggerItem that is a pause between Processes, Events, etc. |
EventBoundedPhysicalProcess | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that can have PhysicalEvents marking its start and end points. |
FunctionOnLifeline | Type | A TypicalWholePart where a SequencedActivity is part of a NodeLifeline. Note: a given SequencedActivity may appear on one and only one NodeLifeline. |
ImplementationScenario | Type | A Scenario that features ResourceTypes, their Functions and Interactions. |
ImplementationScenarioPart | Type | A ModemIndividualType that features in (i.e. is part of) an ImplemenationScenario. |
ItemInImplementationScenario | Type | An ItemInScenario where the Scenario is an ImplementationScenario. |
LifelineForResource | Type | A TypicalTemporalWholePart that asserts a ResourceLifeLine is a typical temporal part of a Resource. |
OperationalActivity | Type | A ProcessType that is a type of logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out. Note: an OperationalActivity may only be carried out by a logical Node. |
PhysicalDelay | Type | A PhysicallySequencedItem that has a specified temporal extent, but an unspecified spatial extent. |
PhysicalEndEvent | Type | An EndBorderType that relates a EventBoundedPhysicalProcess to the PhysicalEvent that marks its end Note: there may be no more than one PhysicalEndEvent for a given EventBoundedPhysicalProcess. |
PhysicalEvent | Type | An Event that marks the beginning or end of an EventBoundedPhysicalProcess. |
PhysicalSequencing | Type | An ImmediateBeforeAfterType that asserts one PhysicallySequencedItem occurs immediately after the other. |
PhysicallySequencedItem | Type | An ImplemenationScenarioPart that is physically sequenced; i.e. it has a PhysicalSequencing relation. |
PhysicalStartEvent | Type | A StartBorderType that relates an EventBoundedPhysicalProcess to the PhysicalEvent that marks its start. Note: there may be no more than one PhysicalStartEvent for a given PhysicallySequencedProcess. |
ResourceFunction | Type | A Function carried out by a ResourceType |
ResourceLifeline | Type | A ResourceStateType whose extent is defined by an ImplemenationScenario. |
ResourceInteraction | Type | An ExchangeType where two ResourceTypes interact. [ABSTRACT] Examples: data exchange between systems, conversations between people, people using systems, flows of materiel from one resource to another, etc. |
ResourceTypeExport | Type | A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction exports from a ResourceTypeUsage. |
ResourcTypeImport | Type | A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction imports from a ResourceTypeUsage. |
SequencedFunction | Type | An EventBoundedPhysicalProcess that is the typical useage of a Function in a ResourceLifeLine. |
SequencedResourceInteraction | Type | An ImplementationScenarioPart that is the typical occurance of a ResourceInteraction between two ResourceLifelines. |
Time | Type | A MeasureInstance whose members are Individuals that have a particular temporal dimension of the same length. Examples: 22 seconds, 14 weeks, The time taken for light to travel 2km in a vacuum. |
TimeRange | Type | A MeasureRange where the bounds are Times. |
functionInSequence | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates a ResourceFunction to its usage (as a SequencedFunction) on a ResourceLifeLine. Note: A SequencedFunction is based on only one Function |
delayRange | TupleType | A measureOfType that relates a LogicalDelay to the delayRange in which it falls. |
delayTime | TupleType | A measureOfType that relates a LogicalDelay to its Time. |
interactionInScenario | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates a ResourceInteraction to its usage (as a SequencedResourceInteraction) in an ImplementationScenario. Note: A SequencedResourceInteraction is based on only one ResourceInteraction. |
Table ‑: P6 Element List
P5/6 – Physical Resource Triggers
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
After | Type | A BeforeAfterType where one TriggerItem starts after another has ended. Note: the TriggerItem that happens after may happen at any point in time after the one that comes before it (i.e. there may be an interval of time between them). |
Delay | Type | A TriggerItem that is a pause between Processes, Events, etc. |
Event | Type | A TemporalBorderType whose instances are instants the mark the temporal beginning or end of an Individual. |
EventBoundedPhysicalProcess | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that can have PhysicalEvents marking its start and end points. |
ImmediatelyAfter | Type | An After where the subsequent TriggerItem starts immediately as the preceeding TriggerItem ends. |
PhysicalDelay | Type | A PhysicallySequencedItem that has a specified temporal extent, but an unspecified spatial extent. |
PhysicalEndEvent | Type | An EndBorderType that relates a EventBoundedPhysicalProcess to the PhysicalEvent that marks its end Note: there may be no more than one PhysicalEndEvent for a given EventBoundedPhysicalProcess. |
PhysicalEvent | Type | An Event that marks the beginning or end of a EventBoundedPhysicalProcess. |
PhysicalStartEvent | Type | A StartBorderType that relates an EventBoundedPhysicalProcess to the PhysicalEvent that marks its start. Note: there may be no more than one PhysicalStartEvent for a given PhysicallySequencedProcess. |
ResourceStateType | Type | A type of state that a ResourceType may have. |
SequencedFunction | Type | An EventBoundedPhysicalProcess that is the typical useage of a Function in a ResourceLifeLine. |
SequencedResourceInteraction | Type | An ImplementationScenarioPart that is the typical occurance of a ResourceInteraction between two ResourceLifelines. |
StartsAfter | Type | A WeakTemporalOrderingType that asserts one TriggerItem starts before another. Note: there is constraint on when either TriggerItem ends - hence if A starts before B, it is possible that B ends before A and indeed that A ends before B. |
StartsImmediatelyAfter | Type | A StartsAfter where the subsequent TriggerItem starts immediately after the preceeding TriggerItem. |
StateSpecification | Type | An OwnedStateSets used in a MODEM state machine. |
StateTransition | Type | A StateSuccessionType indicating there is a possible transition between StateSpecifications. |
TriggerItem | Type | A ModemIndividualType that can be the cause or effect of a Trigger. |
Table ‑: P5/6 Physical Resource Triggers Element List
P7 – Physical Data Model
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
AggregateDataType | Type | A DataModelTypeRepresentation which is an aggregate of other DataModelTypeRepresentations. |
ArrayDataType | Type | An AggregateDataType whose members are addressed using a numeric index. |
Attribute | Type | A DataModelComponent that is a defined property of an Entity. |
BagDataType | Type | An AggregateDataType whose members are not kept in any particular order - i.e. there is no way to address a particular member. |
BinaryDataType | Type | A SimpleDataType whose instances are binary objects. Note: Data Models may instantiate several different BinaryDataTypes - e.g. "BLOB", "MPEG", "varbinary", etc |
CardinalitySpecifier | Type | An IntegerRepresentation that specifies the cardinality of an EntityRelationshipEnd. |
ChoiceDataType | Type | A DataModelTypeRepresentation which represents a choice of datatypes, restricted by the architect to a list. Note: Also known as a SELECT in some data modelling languages (e.g. ISO10303-11). |
DataElement | Type | A SymbolOrSymbolStringType that represents interactions between resource elements. |
DataElementWholePart | Type | A TypicalWholePart where one DataElement is a part of another. |
DataModel | Type | A StructuredRepresentation defining the structure of data, showing classifications of data elements and relationships between them.. |
DataModelComponent | Type | A Representation that can be part of a DataModel. |
DataModelTypeRepresentation | Type | A DataModelComponent that can be used to represent the type of something. |
EndOfEntityRelationship | Type | A RepresentationStructure where an EntityRelationship has 2 or more EntityRelationshipEnds. |
Entity | Type | A DataModelComponent that defines an item of interest.. |
EntityRelationship | Type | A DataModelComponent that represents a relationship between two or more Entities. |
EnumerationType | Type | A DataModelTypeRepresentation which consists of named values. |
FloatingPointDataType | Type | A NumericDataType whose instances are real numbers. Note: Data Models may instantiate several different IntegerDataTypes - e.g. "float", "double", "real", etc. |
HashedAggregate | Type | An AggregateDataType whose members are indexed using an identifier. |
IntegerDataType | Type | A NumericDataType whose instances are integer numbers. Note: Data Models may instantiate several different IntegerDataTypes - e.g. "LongInt", "short", "word", etc |
ItemInDataModel | Type | A RepresentationInStructure where a DataModelComponent is part of a DataModel |
ListDataType | Type | An AggregateDataType whose members are stored and accessed as an ordered list. |
LogicalDataType | Type | A SimpleDataType whose instances are true/false or true/false/unknown. Note: Data Models may instantiate several different LogicalDataTypes - e.g. "Boolean", "YesNo", "BOOL", etc. |
MaxAggregateSize | Type | A RepresentationInStructure that specifies the maximum size of an AggregateDataType. |
MinAggregateSize | Type | A RepresentationInStructure that specifies the minimum size of an AggregateDataType. |
MaxCardinalityOfRelationshipEnd | Type | A RepresentationInStructure that asserts a CardinalitySpecifier is part of an EntityRelationshipEnd, and that it represents the maximum cardinality value of that end. Note: If no Maximum Cardinality is specified (i.e. there is no instance of this tuple type related to the EntityRelationshipEnd) then the default is "many" or "* ". |
MinCardinalityOfRelationshipEnd | Type | A RepresentationInStructure that asserts a CardinalitySpecifier is part of an EntityRelationshipEnd, and that it represents the minimum cardinality value of that end. Note: If no Minimum Cardinality is specified (i.e. there is no instance of this tuple type related to the EntityRelationshipEnd) then the default is zero. |
NumericDataType | Type | A SimpleDataType whose instances are numbers. |
PhysicalDataModel | Type | A DataModel that is an implementable specification of a data structure. A PhysicalDataModel realises a LogicalDataModel, taking into account implementation restrictions and performance issues whilst still enforcing the constraints, relationships and typing of the logical model. |
SimpleDataType | Type | A DataModelTypeRepresentation that is used to specify the type of a literal (e.g. text, integer, floating point number, etc.). |
SoftwareType | Type | An ArtefactType that is a type of Software. |
StringRepresentation | Type | A Representation whose all members are all strings. |
TextDataType | Type | A SimpleDataType whose instances are text literals. Note: Data Models may instantiate several different TextDataTypes - e.g. "String", "XML Text", "WideString", etc. |
aggregateElementType | TupleType | A couple that relates an AggregateDataType to the DataModelTypeRepresentation that specifies the data type of each of its elements. |
attributeType | TupleType | A couple that relates an Attribute to the DataModelTypeRepresentation that specifies its type. |
choiceElement | TupleType | A couple that asserts a DataModelTypeRepresentation is a valid choice in a ChoiceDataType. |
dataElementRepresentation | TupleType | A representedByDataType that asserts a DataElement is represented by a DataModelTypeRepresentation. |
enumerationItem | TupleType | A Couple that relates a StringRepresentation to an EnumerationType of which it is an element. |
entityHasAttribute | TupleType | A couple asserting that an Entity has an Attribute. |
entityRelationship | TupleType | A DataModelComponent that represents a relationship between two or more Entities. |
implementsDataModel | TupleType | A couple that asserts that a SoftwareType implements a PhysicalDataModel. |
subtypeRelationship | TupleType | A couple that asserts that the type represented by one Entity is a subtype of the type represented by the other Entity. |
Table ‑: P7 Element List
P8 – Resource Constraints
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
Constraint | Type | An IndividualType that is the collection of all the objects subject to a particular constraint. |
ConfiguredResourceType | Type | An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType. |
DataElement | Type | A SymbolOrSymbolStringType that represents interactions between resource elements. |
Function | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that is either carried out by a ResourceType or a ResourceTypeUsage. |
InteractionElement | Type | A ModemIndividualType that is the Role played by an InteractionElement in a ResourceInteraction. [ABSTRACT] |
ModemIndividualType | Type | The parent (supertype) of all MODEM elements that are types of Individuals e.g. tank, computer, etc. |
PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType | Type | A ModemIndividualType that is involved in a PhysicalArchitecture. |
Port | Type | An ArtefactComponent that is a type of IndividualPort. Note: was called "ResourcePort" in M3. |
ResourceType | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT] |
IndividualResource | IndividualType | A ModemIndividualElement that is an IndividualOrganisationalResource, an ItemOfMateriel or a ResourceConfiguration. |
ModemIndividualElement | IndividualType | An Individual that can feature in a MODEM architecture. |
constraintOnIndividual | TupleType | A couple that asserts a constraint placed upon a ModemThing related to a ModemThing. |
constraintOnType | TupleType | A superSubtype that asserts all the instances of the subType object are subject to the constraint. |
Table ‑: P8 Element List
Pr – Configuration Management
Element Name | Element Kind | Definition |
CapabilityConfiguration | Type | A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities. A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes. |
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType | Type | A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components. |
HumanResourceType | Type | A ResourceType that is a type of HumanResource. A PersonType, PostType, OrganisationType or OrganisationRoleType. [ABSTRACT] Note: was called "OrganisationalResource" in M3 v1.2. Note: was called "OrganisationalResourceType" in M3. |
NaturalResourceType | Type | A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of NaturalResource. |
NonHumanResourceType | Type | A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource). [ABSTRACT] |
OrganisationType | Type | A ResponsibleHumanResourceType and a ConstructedHumanResourceType that is a type of Organisation. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. Examples: Government Department, Commercial Company, Accounting Department. |
PersonType | Type | A ResponsibleHumanResourceType that is a type of person. |
PhysicalArchitecture | Type | A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase. |
PostType | Type | A ConstructedHumanResourceType and ResponsibleHumanResourceType specifying a type of Post. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. A type of point of contact or responsible person. Note that this is the type of post - e.g. Desk Officer, Commander, etc. |
ResourceType | Type | A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT] |
ResourceTypeMaster | Type | A ModemIndividualType that is the master specification from which ResourceTypes are versioned. |
SoftwareType | Type | An ArtefactType that is a type of Software. |
StringRepresentation | Type | A Representation whose all members are all strings. |
VersionSuccession | Type | A BeforeAfterType that asserts one ResourceType succeeds another Note: both ResourceTypes must be versions of the same ResourceTypeMaster. |
Project | IndividualType | An Undertaking that is a time-limited endeavour to create a specific set of products or services. |
ProjectMilestone | IndividualType | A ProjectPart that marks the end of one ProjectPhase and possibly the beginning of another. Note: the temporal extent of a ProjectMilestone is likely to be finite - e.g. there may be milestone meetings, funding reviews, etc. before another Project or ProjectPhase can start. |
ProjectPhase | IndividualType | A ProjectState that is a temporal part of a Project and has been nominated as a phase of a Project. |
projectWholePhase | TupleType | A projectPhaseTemporalPart where the whole is a Project. |
milestoneBegins | TupleType | A startBoundary that asserts a ProjectMilestone marks the beginning of a Project or ProjectPhase. |
milestoneEnds | TupleType | An endBoundary that asserts a ProjectMilestone marks the end of a Project or ProjectPhase. |
designReleasedAtMilestone | TupleType | A couple that indicates a ResourceType is released as a design at a ProjectMilestone. |
designWithdrawnAtMilestone | TupleType | A couple that indicates a ResourceType was withdrawn as a design at a ProjectMilestone. |
versionIdentifier | TupleType | A representedBy that asserts that a StringRepresentation represents the version identifier of a ServiceSpecification. |
versionOf | TupleType | A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that asserts a ResourceType is a version of a ResourceTypeMaster. |
Table ‑: Pr Element List