Physical Resource Specifications Layer

P1 – Resource Types

P1 Logical Diagram
P1 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
ArtefactType Type A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of Artefact. Examples are "car", "radio", "diesel", etc.
Note: It has no human components.
Capability Type A DispositionalProperty that is the set of all things that are capable of achieving a particular outcome.
CapabilityConfiguration Type A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities.
A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes.
CBRNEnvironment Type An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear environment in which an Enterprise may operate.
EnvironmentalFactor Type A GeopoliticalLocationStateType that defines some aspect of the environment in which an Enterprise may operate.
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType Type A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components.
HumanResourceType Type A ResourceType that is a type of HumanResource.
A PersonType, PostType, OrganisationType or OrganisationRoleType. [ABSTRACT]
Note: was called "OrganisationalResource" in M3 v1.2.
Note: was called "OrganisationalResourceType" in M3.
LightConditions Type An EnvironmentmentalFactor that defines the types of light (e.g. broad daylight, dusk, moonlit, etc.) in which an Enterprise may operate.
Measure Type A Property whose members are Individuals that all share a common, measurable property, or whose properties lie within a MeasureRange.
Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km.
MeasureCategory Type A MeasureType whose members are recognised types of MeasureInstance.

Mass (included in IDEAS), Length (included in IDEAS), Velocity, Hardness.

MeasureInContext Type A ModemIndividualType that brings together EnvironmentalFactors with a Measure in order to qualify the measure.
Examples: 40mph in desert, 1km range in cloudy conditions.
MeasurePoint Type A Measure whose members are Individuals that all share a common property that can be measured.
Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km.
MeasureRange Type A Measure that is characterised by two MeasurePoints that define its upper and lower bounds.
NaturalResourceType Type A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of NaturalResource.
Node Type A NodeState that is used in context of a NodeParent.
NonHumanResourceType Type A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource). [ABSTRACT]
OrganisationType Type A ResponsibleHumanResourceType and a ConstructedHumanResourceType that is a type of Organisation. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType.
Examples: Government Department, Commercial Company, Accounting Department.
PersonType Type A ResponsibleHumanResourceType that is a type of person.
PhysicalArchitecture Type A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase.
PostType Type An ConstructedHumanResourceType and ResponsibleHumanResourceType specifying a type of Post. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. A type of point of contact or responsible person.
Note that this is the type of post - e.g. Desk Officer, Commander, etc.
Property Type An IndividualType whose members all exhibit a common trait or feature. Often the Individuals are states having a property (the state of being 18 degrees centigrade), where this property can be a CategoricalProperty (qv.) or a DispositionalProperty (qv.).
Examples: Ability to fly at Mach 2, 10kg.
ResourceType Type A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT]
SituationType Type An EnvironmentalFactor used to describe the types and levels of threat under which an Enterprise may operate.
Examples: Corrosive, Fire, Smoke, Peaceful, Under Fire, Under Heavy Fire, etc.
SoftwareType Type An ArtefactType that is a type of Software.
StandardConfiguration Type A CapabilityConfiguration that has been designated as a standard configuration.
Technology Type An ArtefactPowertype that is a class of Artefact that defines a branch of engineering or computer science.
TerrainType Type An EnvironmentalFactor that defines the type of ground conditions that an Enterprise may operate in.
Note: TerrainType is a subtype of GeopoliticalLocationStateType as the terrain may change over time (e.g. muddy, frozen ground, deep snow, etc.)
branchOfTechnology TupleType A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that asserts an ArtefactType belongs to a branch of Technology.
capabilityRealisation TupleType A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates a CapabilityConfiguration to a Capability.
environmentalContext TupleType A couple that relates a MeasureInContext to an EnvironmentalFactor in order to qualify the measure.
lowerBoundOfMeasureRange TupleType A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the lower bound (i.e. minimum measure) of a MeasureRange.
nodeRealisation TupleType A superSubtype that asserts that a ResourceType provides the functionality specified by an operational node.
qualifiedMeasure TupleType A superSubtype that relates a MeasureInContext to the measure it qualifies.
resourceTypeMeasure TupleType A measureOfType where the type is a ResourceType
resourceTypeProperty TupleType A propertyOfType where the type is a ResourceType.
upperBoundOfMeasureRange TupleType A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the upper bound (i.e. maximum measure) of a MeasureRange.

Table ‑: P1 Element List

P2 – Resource Structure

P2 Logical Diagram
P2 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
ArtefactType Type A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of Artefact. Examples are "car", "radio", "diesel", etc.
Note: It has no human components.
CapabilityConfiguration Type A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities.
A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes.
Commands Type A ResourceCommunication where one ResponsibleHumanResourceTypeConfigurationUsage commands another.
ConfiguredResourceType Type An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType.
Controls Type A ResourceCommunication where one InteractionElement controls another.
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType Type A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components.
HumanResourceType Type A ResourceType that is a type of HumanResource.
A PersonType, PostType, OrganisationType or OrganisationRoleType. [ABSTRACT]
Note: was called "OrganisationalResource" in M3 v1.2.
Note: was called "OrganisationalResourceType" in M3.
NaturalResourceType Type A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of NaturalResource.
Node Type A NodeState that is used in context of a NodeParent.
NonHumanResourceType Type A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource). [ABSTRACT]
OrganisationType Type A ResponsibleHumanResourceType and a ConstructedHumanResourceType that is a type of Organisation. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType.
Examples: Government Department, Commercial Company, Accounting Department.
PersonType Type A ResponsibleHumanResourceType that is a type of person.
PhysicalArchitecture Type A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase.
PortConnector Type A ResourceCommunication that has a protocolStackSuperResourcePortConnectorTypeSubType to a ProtocolStack.
Note: was called "ResourcePortConnector" in M3.
PostType Type An ConstructedHumanResourceType and ResponsibleHumanResourceType specifying a type of Post. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. A type of point of contact or responsible person.
Note that this is the type of post - e.g. Desk Officer, Commander, etc.
ResourceCommunication Type A ResourceInteraction where DataElements are exchanged.
ResourceEnergyFlow Type A ResourceInteraction where energy is transferred between ResourceUsages.
ResourceInteraction Type An ExchangeType where two ResourceTypes interact. [ABSTRACT]
Examples: data exchange between systems, conversations between people, people using systems, flows of materiel from one resource to another, etc.
ResourceMovement Type A ResourceInteraction where the element that flows is a ResourceType.
ResourceType Type A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT]
ResourceTypeConfiguration Type A ModemWholePartType that is a relationship between types of ResourceTypeUsages which asserts one ResourceTypeUsage is part of another.
ResourceTypeExport Type A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction exports from a ResourceTypeUsage.
ResourceTypeImport Type A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction imports from a ResourceTypeUsage.
IndividualResourcePowertype PowerType The powertype of IndividualResourceState.
SoftwareType Type An ArtefactType that is a type of Software.
capabilityRealisation TupleType A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates a CapabilityConfiguration to a Capability.
configurationType TupleType A superSubtype that asserts that a ResourceType is a superType of ConfiguredResourceType.
nodeRealisation TupleType A superSubtype that asserts that a ResourceType provides the functionality specified by an operational node.

Table ‑: P2 Element List

P3 – Resource Connectivity

P3 Logical Diagram
P3 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
ArtefactType Type A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of Artefact. Examples are "car", "radio", "diesel", etc.
Note: It has no human components.
CapabilityConfiguration Type A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities. A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes.
ConfiguredResourceType Type An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType.
DataElement Type A SymbolOrSymbolStringType that represents interactions between resource elements.
FrequencyRange Type A MeasureRange that specifies maximum and minimum frequencies, measured in Hertz as real numbers.
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType Type A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components.
Measure Type A Property whose members are Individuals that all share a common, measurable property, or whose properties lie within a MeasureRange.
Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km.
MeasurePoint Type A Measure whose members are Individuals that all share a common property that can be measured.
Examples: 2kg, 4 weeks, 2km.
MeasureRange Type A Measure that is characterised by two MeasurePoints that define its upper and lower bounds.
NonHumanResourceType Type A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource) [ABSTRACT].
PhysicalArchitecture Type A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase.
Port Type An ArtefactComponent that is a type of IndividualPort.
Note: was called "ResourcePort" in M3.
PortComponentOfTypeOfArtefact Type A NonHumanResourceUsage that asserts a Port is a component of a type of Artefact.
PortConnectedToPortConnectorComponent Type A PortConnectedToPortConnectorComponent that is a type of IndividualPortConnectedToPortConnector that asserts a Port is a part of a PortConnector.
PortConnector Type A ResourceCommunication that has a protocolStackSuperResourcePortConnectorTypeSubType to a ProtocolStack.
Note: was called "ResourcePortConnector" in M3.
Protocol Type A Standard for communication.
ProtocolStack Type A ModemIndividualType that is all the Individuals which conform to one or more specified protocols (ordered into a stack) that may be implemented by one or more ResourcePorts.
Note: was called "ImplementedProtocol" in M3.
RadioFrequencyPort Type A Port that is a type of RadioFrequencyPort.
ResourceCommunication Type A ResourceInteraction where DataElements are exchanged.
ResourceInteraction Type An ExchangeType where two ResourceTypes interact. [ABSTRACT]
Examples: data exchange between systems, conversations between people, people using systems, flows of materiel from one resource to another, etc.
ResourceType Type A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT]
ResourceTypeConfiguration Type A ModemWholePartType that is a relationship between types of ResourceTypeUsages which asserts one ResourceTypeUsage is part of another.
ResourceTypeExport Type A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction exports from a ResourceTypeUsage.
ResourceTypeImport Type A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction imports from a ResourceTypeUsage.
RoleInCommunication Type A RoleInInteraction where the exchanged element is a DataElement exchanged over a ResourceCommunication
RoleOfDataElement Type A RoleOfInteractionElement where the element is a DataElement
SoftwareType Type An ArtefactType that is a type of Software.
IndividualResourcePowertype PowerType The powertype of IndividualResourceState.
configurationType TupleType A superSubtype that asserts that a ResourceType is a superType of ConfiguredResourceType.
isALayerIn TupleType A superSubtype that asserts that a ProtocolStack is a kind of Protocol. The Protocol is a layer in the ProtocolStack. The order of the layering is determined by the Protocols' runsOn relations.
Note: amalgamates "ProtocolLayer" and "ImplementedOn" in M3.
lowerBoundOfMeasureRange TupleType A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the lower bound (i.e. minimum measure) of a MeasureRange.
protocolStackSuperPortSubType TupleType A superSubType relation with a superType ProtocolStack and a subType Port.
radioFrequencyPortConnectorFrequencyRange TupleType A radioFrequencyRangeAssignment that asserts a radio frequency range has been assigned to a RadioFrequencyPortConnector.
radioFrequencyPortFrequencyRange TupleType A radioFrequencyRangeAssignment that asserts a radio frequency range has been assigned to a RadioFrequencyPort.
runsOn TupleType A couple that asserts that one Protocol (client) may be implemented on another (supplier). This determines the layer order in the ProtocolStack.
upperBoundOfMeasureRange TupleType A superSubtype that asserts the MeasureInstance that is the upper bound (i.e. maximum measure) of a MeasureRange.

Table ‑: P3 Element List

P4 – Resource Functions

Element Name Element Kind Definition
AffectedResource Type An IndividualRoleType where the role extent is an AffectedResourceRole and the whole is a ResourceType.
AffectedResourceRole Type A ModemIndividualType that is the role played by a ResourceType when it is acted upon by a Function.
ArtefactType Type A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of Artefact. Examples are "car", "radio", "diesel", etc.
Note: It has no human components.
CapabilityConfiguration Type A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities.
A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes.
Commands Type A ResourceCommunication where one ResponsibleHumanResourceTypeConfigurationUsage commands another.
ConfiguredResourceType Type An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType.
ConsumerFunction Type An IndividualExchangeRoleType where the role is a ResourceImport and the consumer is a Function.
Controls Type A ResourceCommunication where one InteractionElement controls another.
EffectFunction Type A TypicalWholePart that relates a ResourceFunction to the AffectedResourceRole played by a ResourceType when acted upon by the ResourceFunction.
Function Type A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that is either carried out by a ResourceType or a ResourceTypeUsage.
FunctionComposition Type A TypicalWholePart that relates a parent (whole) Function to its child (part) Function.
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType Type A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components.
HumanResourceType Type A ResourceType that is a type of HumanResource.
A PersonType, PostType, OrganisationType or OrganisationRoleType. [ABSTRACT]
Note: was called "OrganisationalResource" in M3 v1.2.
Note: was called "OrganisationalResourceType" in M3.
NaturalResourceType Type A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of NaturalResource.
NonHumanResourceType Type A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource). [ABSTRACT]
OrganisationType Type A ResponsibleHumanResourceType and a ConstructedHumanResourceType that is a type of Organisation. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType.
Examples: Government Department, Commercial Company, Accounting Department.
PerformsFunction Type A CapableOf that asserts a Function is conducted by a ResourceType.
PersonType Type A ResponsibleHumanResourceType that is a type of person.
PhysicalArchitecture Type A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase.
PostType Type A ConstructedHumanResourceType and ResponsibleHumanResourceType specifying a type of Post. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. A type of point of contact or responsible person.
Note that this is the type of post - e.g. Desk Officer, Commander, etc.
ProducerFunction Type An IndividualExchangeRoleType where the role is a ResourceExport and the producer is a ResourceFunction.
ResourceCommunication Type A ResourceInteraction where DataElements are exchanged.
ResourceEnergyFlow Type A ResourceInteraction where energy is transferred between ResourceUsages.
ResourceExport Type A SendType where the sender is a ResourceType or Function.
ResourceFunction Type A Function carried out by a ResourceType
ResourceImport Type A ReceiveType where the receiver is a ResourceType or Function.
ResourceInteraction Type An ExchangeType where two ResourceTypes interact. [ABSTRACT]
Examples: data exchange between systems, conversations between people, people using systems, flows of materiel from one resource to another, etc.
ResourceInteractionExport Type A SendInExchangeType where the sender is a ResourceType or Function.
ResourceInteractionImport Type A RecieveInExchangeType where the receiver is a ResourceType or Function.
ResourceMovement Type A ResourceInteraction where the element that flows is a ResourceType.
ResourceType Type A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT]
SoftwareType Type An ArtefactType that is a type of Software.
UsagePerformsFunction Type A CapableOfType where a ResoureceTypeUsage is capable of conducting a UsageSpecificFunction.
UsageSpecificFunction Type A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that is a particular usage of a Function.
Note: this is used where there is a requirement to distinguish between two uses of a ResourceType which both have the same functionality, but put to different purposes. This is particularly important for tracing back to OV-5 Activities.
IndividualResourcePowertype PowerType The powertype of IndividualResourceState.
configurationType TupleType A superSubtype that asserts that a ResourceType is a superType of ConfiguredResourceType.

Table ‑: P4 Element List

L4-P4 – Activity to Function Mapping

L4-P4 Logical Diagram
L4-P4 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
ActivityGroup Type An OperationalActivity that is entirely composed of other OperationalActivities.
ActivityGrouping Type An ActivityComposition where the parent Activity is an ActivityGroup.
ConfiguredResourceType Type An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType.
Function Type A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that is either carried out by a ResourceType or a ResourceTypeUsage.
FunctionGroup Type A Function that is entirely composed of other Functions
FunctionGrouping Type A FunctionComposition where the parent is a FunctionGroup.
OperationalActivity Type A ProcessType that is a type of logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out.
Note: an OperationalActivity may only be carried out by a logical Node.
PerformsFunction Type A CapableOf that asserts a Function is conducted by a ResourceType.
ResourceFunction Type A Function carried out by a ResourceType
ResourceType Type A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT]
ServiceFunction Type A ServiceProcess carried out by a ServiceSpecification.
UsagePerformsFunction Type A CapableOfType where a ResoureceTypeUsage is capable of conducting a UsageSpecificFunction.
UsageSpecificFunction Type A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that is a particular usage of a Function.
Note: this is used where there is a requirement to distinguish between two uses of a ResourceType which both have the same functionality, but put to different purposes. This is particularly important for tracing back to OV-5 Activities.
activityFunctionMapping TupleType A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates an OperationalActivity or ActivityGroup to the Function or FunctionGroup that realises it
serviceFunctionFunctionMapping TupleType A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates an OperationalActivity or ActivityGroup to the Function or FunctionGroup that realises it.

Table L4-P4 Element List

P5 – Resource States

P5 Logical Diagram
P5 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
CapabilityConfiguration Type A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities.
A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes.
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType Type A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components.
HumanResourceType Type A ResourceType that is a type of HumanResource.
A PersonType, PostType, OrganisationType or OrganisationRoleType. [ABSTRACT]
Note: was called "OrganisationalResource" in M3 v1.2.
Note: was called "OrganisationalResourceType" in M3.
NaturalResourceType Type A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of NaturalResource.
NonHumanResourceType Type A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource). [ABSTRACT]
OrganisationType Type A ResponsibleHumanResourceType and a ConstructedHumanResourceType that is a type of Organisation. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType.
Examples: Government Department, Commercial Company, Accounting Department.
PersonType Type A ResponsibleHumanResourceType that is a type of person.
PhysicalArchitecture Type A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase.
PostType Type A ConstructedHumanResourceType and ResponsibleHumanResourceType specifying a type of Post. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. A type of point of contact or responsible person.
Note that this is the type of post - e.g. Desk Officer, Commander, etc.
ResourceStateType Type
ResourceType Type A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT]
SoftwareType Type An ArtefactType that is a type of Software.
StateMachine Type A StateMachineViews used to model typical states and transitions for ModemIndividualElementTypes.
StateMachineRegion Type A StateMachineRegions which is part of a StateMachine.
StateSpecification Type An OwnedStateSets used in a MODEM state machine.
StateTransition Type A StateSuccessionType indicating there is a possible transition between StateSpecifications.
regionOfStateMachine TupleType A stateMachineViewTypesRegionInstances which relates a StateMachineRegion to a StateMachine.
stateInRegion TupleType A regionTypeInstance that asserts a StateSpecification features in a StateMachineRegion.
stateMachineForResourceType TupleType A appliedStateMachine that relates a ResourceType to its state machine.
stateTransitionInRegion TupleType A regionTypeInstance that asserts a StateTransition features in a StateMachineRegion.

Table ‑: P5 Element List

P6 – Resource Sequence

P6 Logical Diagram
P6 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
ConfiguredResourceType Type An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType.
Delay Type A TriggerItem that is a pause between Processes, Events, etc.
EventBoundedPhysicalProcess Type A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that can have PhysicalEvents marking its start and end points.
FunctionOnLifeline Type A TypicalWholePart where a SequencedActivity is part of a NodeLifeline.
Note: a given SequencedActivity may appear on one and only one NodeLifeline.
ImplementationScenario Type A Scenario that features ResourceTypes, their Functions and Interactions.
ImplementationScenarioPart Type A ModemIndividualType that features in (i.e. is part of) an ImplemenationScenario.
ItemInImplementationScenario Type An ItemInScenario where the Scenario is an ImplementationScenario.
LifelineForResource Type A TypicalTemporalWholePart that asserts a ResourceLifeLine is a typical temporal part of a Resource.
OperationalActivity Type A ProcessType that is a type of logical process, specified independently of how the process is carried out.
Note: an OperationalActivity may only be carried out by a logical Node.
PhysicalDelay Type A PhysicallySequencedItem that has a specified temporal extent, but an unspecified spatial extent.
PhysicalEndEvent Type An EndBorderType that relates a EventBoundedPhysicalProcess to the PhysicalEvent that marks its end
Note: there may be no more than one PhysicalEndEvent for a given EventBoundedPhysicalProcess.
PhysicalEvent Type An Event that marks the beginning or end of an EventBoundedPhysicalProcess.
PhysicalSequencing Type An ImmediateBeforeAfterType that asserts one PhysicallySequencedItem occurs immediately after the other.
PhysicallySequencedItem Type An ImplemenationScenarioPart that is physically sequenced; i.e. it has a PhysicalSequencing relation.
PhysicalStartEvent Type A StartBorderType that relates an EventBoundedPhysicalProcess to the PhysicalEvent that marks its start.
Note: there may be no more than one PhysicalStartEvent for a given PhysicallySequencedProcess.
ResourceFunction Type A Function carried out by a ResourceType
ResourceLifeline Type A ResourceStateType whose extent is defined by an ImplemenationScenario.
ResourceInteraction Type An ExchangeType where two ResourceTypes interact. [ABSTRACT]
Examples: data exchange between systems, conversations between people, people using systems, flows of materiel from one resource to another, etc.
ResourceTypeExport Type A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction exports from a ResourceTypeUsage.
ResourcTypeImport Type A CapableOfType where a ResourceInteraction imports from a ResourceTypeUsage.
SequencedFunction Type An EventBoundedPhysicalProcess that is the typical useage of a Function in a ResourceLifeLine.
SequencedResourceInteraction Type An ImplementationScenarioPart that is the typical occurance of a ResourceInteraction between two ResourceLifelines.
Time Type A MeasureInstance whose members are Individuals that have a particular temporal dimension of the same length.
Examples: 22 seconds, 14 weeks, The time taken for light to travel 2km in a vacuum.
TimeRange Type A MeasureRange where the bounds are Times.
functionInSequence TupleType A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates a ResourceFunction to its usage (as a SequencedFunction) on a ResourceLifeLine.
Note: A SequencedFunction is based on only one Function
delayRange TupleType A measureOfType that relates a LogicalDelay to the delayRange in which it falls.
delayTime TupleType A measureOfType that relates a LogicalDelay to its Time.
interactionInScenario TupleType A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that relates a ResourceInteraction to its usage (as a SequencedResourceInteraction) in an ImplementationScenario.
Note: A SequencedResourceInteraction is based on only one ResourceInteraction.

Table ‑: P6 Element List

P5/6 – Physical Resource Triggers

P5/6 Physical Resource Triggers Logical Diagram
P5/6 Physical Resource Triggers Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
After Type A BeforeAfterType where one TriggerItem starts after another has ended.
Note: the TriggerItem that happens after may happen at any point in time after the one that comes before it (i.e. there may be an interval of time between them).
Delay Type A TriggerItem that is a pause between Processes, Events, etc.
Event Type A TemporalBorderType whose instances are instants the mark the temporal beginning or end of an Individual.
EventBoundedPhysicalProcess Type A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that can have PhysicalEvents marking its start and end points.
ImmediatelyAfter Type An After where the subsequent TriggerItem starts immediately as the preceeding TriggerItem ends.
PhysicalDelay Type A PhysicallySequencedItem that has a specified temporal extent, but an unspecified spatial extent.
PhysicalEndEvent Type An EndBorderType that relates a EventBoundedPhysicalProcess to the PhysicalEvent that marks its end
Note: there may be no more than one PhysicalEndEvent for a given EventBoundedPhysicalProcess.
PhysicalEvent Type An Event that marks the beginning or end of a EventBoundedPhysicalProcess.
PhysicalStartEvent Type A StartBorderType that relates an EventBoundedPhysicalProcess to the PhysicalEvent that marks its start.
Note: there may be no more than one PhysicalStartEvent for a given PhysicallySequencedProcess.
ResourceStateType Type A type of state that a ResourceType may have.
SequencedFunction Type An EventBoundedPhysicalProcess that is the typical useage of a Function in a ResourceLifeLine.
SequencedResourceInteraction Type An ImplementationScenarioPart that is the typical occurance of a ResourceInteraction between two ResourceLifelines.
StartsAfter Type A WeakTemporalOrderingType that asserts one TriggerItem starts before another.
Note: there is constraint on when either TriggerItem ends - hence if A starts before B, it is possible that B ends before A and indeed that A ends before B.
StartsImmediatelyAfter Type A StartsAfter where the subsequent TriggerItem starts immediately after the preceeding TriggerItem.
StateSpecification Type An OwnedStateSets used in a MODEM state machine.
StateTransition Type A StateSuccessionType indicating there is a possible transition between StateSpecifications.
TriggerItem Type A ModemIndividualType that can be the cause or effect of a Trigger.

Table ‑: P5/6 Physical Resource Triggers Element List

P7 – Physical Data Model

P7 Logical Diagram
P7 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
AggregateDataType Type A DataModelTypeRepresentation which is an aggregate of other DataModelTypeRepresentations.
ArrayDataType Type An AggregateDataType whose members are addressed using a numeric index.
Attribute Type A DataModelComponent that is a defined property of an Entity.
BagDataType Type An AggregateDataType whose members are not kept in any particular order - i.e. there is no way to address a particular member.
BinaryDataType Type A SimpleDataType whose instances are binary objects.
Note: Data Models may instantiate several different BinaryDataTypes - e.g. "BLOB", "MPEG", "varbinary", etc
CardinalitySpecifier Type An IntegerRepresentation that specifies the cardinality of an EntityRelationshipEnd.
ChoiceDataType Type A DataModelTypeRepresentation which represents a choice of datatypes, restricted by the architect to a list.
Note: Also known as a SELECT in some data modelling languages (e.g. ISO10303-11).
DataElement Type A SymbolOrSymbolStringType that represents interactions between resource elements.
DataElementWholePart Type A TypicalWholePart where one DataElement is a part of another.
DataModel Type A StructuredRepresentation defining the structure of data, showing classifications of data elements and relationships between them..
DataModelComponent Type A Representation that can be part of a DataModel.
DataModelTypeRepresentation Type A DataModelComponent that can be used to represent the type of something.
EndOfEntityRelationship Type A RepresentationStructure where an EntityRelationship has 2 or more EntityRelationshipEnds.
Entity Type A DataModelComponent that defines an item of interest..
EntityRelationship Type A DataModelComponent that represents a relationship between two or more Entities.
EnumerationType Type A DataModelTypeRepresentation which consists of named values.
FloatingPointDataType Type A NumericDataType whose instances are real numbers.
Note: Data Models may instantiate several different IntegerDataTypes - e.g. "float", "double", "real", etc.
HashedAggregate Type An AggregateDataType whose members are indexed using an identifier.
IntegerDataType Type A NumericDataType whose instances are integer numbers.
Note: Data Models may instantiate several different IntegerDataTypes - e.g. "LongInt", "short", "word", etc
ItemInDataModel Type A RepresentationInStructure where a DataModelComponent is part of a DataModel
ListDataType Type An AggregateDataType whose members are stored and accessed as an ordered list.
LogicalDataType Type A SimpleDataType whose instances are true/false or true/false/unknown.
Note: Data Models may instantiate several different LogicalDataTypes - e.g. "Boolean", "YesNo", "BOOL", etc.
MaxAggregateSize Type A RepresentationInStructure that specifies the maximum size of an AggregateDataType.
MinAggregateSize Type A RepresentationInStructure that specifies the minimum size of an AggregateDataType.
MaxCardinalityOfRelationshipEnd Type A RepresentationInStructure that asserts a CardinalitySpecifier is part of an EntityRelationshipEnd, and that it represents the maximum cardinality value of that end.
Note: If no Maximum Cardinality is specified (i.e. there is no instance of this tuple type related to the EntityRelationshipEnd) then the default is "many" or "* ".
MinCardinalityOfRelationshipEnd Type A RepresentationInStructure that asserts a CardinalitySpecifier is part of an EntityRelationshipEnd, and that it represents the minimum cardinality value of that end.
Note: If no Minimum Cardinality is specified (i.e. there is no instance of this tuple type related to the EntityRelationshipEnd) then the default is zero.
NumericDataType Type A SimpleDataType whose instances are numbers.
PhysicalDataModel Type A DataModel that is an implementable specification of a data structure. A PhysicalDataModel realises a LogicalDataModel, taking into account implementation restrictions and performance issues whilst still enforcing the constraints, relationships and typing of the logical model.
SimpleDataType Type A DataModelTypeRepresentation that is used to specify the type of a literal (e.g. text, integer, floating point number, etc.).
SoftwareType Type An ArtefactType that is a type of Software.
StringRepresentation Type A Representation whose all members are all strings.
TextDataType Type A SimpleDataType whose instances are text literals.
Note: Data Models may instantiate several different TextDataTypes - e.g. "String", "XML Text", "WideString", etc.
aggregateElementType TupleType A couple that relates an AggregateDataType to the DataModelTypeRepresentation that specifies the data type of each of its elements.
attributeType TupleType A couple that relates an Attribute to the DataModelTypeRepresentation that specifies its type.
choiceElement TupleType A couple that asserts a DataModelTypeRepresentation is a valid choice in a ChoiceDataType.
dataElementRepresentation TupleType A representedByDataType that asserts a DataElement is represented by a DataModelTypeRepresentation.
enumerationItem TupleType A Couple that relates a StringRepresentation to an EnumerationType of which it is an element.
entityHasAttribute TupleType A couple asserting that an Entity has an Attribute.
entityRelationship TupleType A DataModelComponent that represents a relationship between two or more Entities.
implementsDataModel TupleType A couple that asserts that a SoftwareType implements a PhysicalDataModel.
subtypeRelationship TupleType A couple that asserts that the type represented by one Entity is a subtype of the type represented by the other Entity.

Table ‑: P7 Element List

P8 – Resource Constraints

P8 Logical Diagram
P8 Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
Constraint Type An IndividualType that is the collection of all the objects subject to a particular constraint.
ConfiguredResourceType Type An IndividualResourcePowertype that is a part of a ResourceType another ConfiguredResourceType.
DataElement Type A SymbolOrSymbolStringType that represents interactions between resource elements.
Function Type A PhysicalArchitectureProcess that is either carried out by a ResourceType or a ResourceTypeUsage.
InteractionElement Type A ModemIndividualType that is the Role played by an InteractionElement in a ResourceInteraction. [ABSTRACT]
ModemIndividualType Type The parent (supertype) of all MODEM elements that are types of Individuals e.g. tank, computer, etc.
PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType Type A ModemIndividualType that is involved in a PhysicalArchitecture.
Port Type An ArtefactComponent that is a type of IndividualPort.
Note: was called "ResourcePort" in M3.
ResourceType Type A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT]
IndividualResource IndividualType A ModemIndividualElement that is an IndividualOrganisationalResource, an ItemOfMateriel or a ResourceConfiguration.
ModemIndividualElement IndividualType An Individual that can feature in a MODEM architecture.
constraintOnIndividual TupleType A couple that asserts a constraint placed upon a ModemThing related to a ModemThing.
constraintOnType TupleType A superSubtype that asserts all the instances of the subType object are subject to the constraint.

Table ‑: P8 Element List

Pr – Configuration Management

Pr Logical Diagram
Pr Logical Diagram
Element Name Element Kind Definition
CapabilityConfiguration Type A composite structure representing the physical and human resources (and their interactions) that when brought together provide one or more Capabilities.
A CapabilityConfiguration is a set of Resources configured to provide a capability, and should be guided by [doctrine] which may take the form of Standard or OperationalConstraint stereotypes.
HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType Type A ResourceType that has both Human and Non-Human components.
HumanResourceType Type A ResourceType that is a type of HumanResource.
A PersonType, PostType, OrganisationType or OrganisationRoleType. [ABSTRACT]
Note: was called "OrganisationalResource" in M3 v1.2.
Note: was called "OrganisationalResourceType" in M3.
NaturalResourceType Type A NonHumanResourceType that is a type of NaturalResource.
NonHumanResourceType Type A ResourceType that is a type of NonHumanResource (i.e. an Artefact or NaturalResource). [ABSTRACT]
OrganisationType Type A ResponsibleHumanResourceType and a ConstructedHumanResourceType that is a type of Organisation. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType.
Examples: Government Department, Commercial Company, Accounting Department.
PersonType Type A ResponsibleHumanResourceType that is a type of person.
PhysicalArchitecture Type A HumanAndNonHumanConfigurationType that specifies the structure and behaviour of an EnterprisePhase.
PostType Type A ConstructedHumanResourceType and ResponsibleHumanResourceType specifying a type of Post. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType. A type of point of contact or responsible person.
Note that this is the type of post - e.g. Desk Officer, Commander, etc.
ResourceType Type A PhysicalArchitectureIndividualType that is a type of IndividualResource. This is not used as a component of a ResourceType, but may use components. [ABSTRACT]
ResourceTypeMaster Type A ModemIndividualType that is the master specification from which ResourceTypes are versioned.
SoftwareType Type An ArtefactType that is a type of Software.
StringRepresentation Type A Representation whose all members are all strings.
VersionSuccession Type A BeforeAfterType that asserts one ResourceType succeeds another
Note: both ResourceTypes must be versions of the same ResourceTypeMaster.
Project IndividualType An Undertaking that is a time-limited endeavour to create a specific set of products or services.
ProjectMilestone IndividualType A ProjectPart that marks the end of one ProjectPhase and possibly the beginning of another.
Note: the temporal extent of a ProjectMilestone is likely to be finite - e.g. there may be milestone meetings, funding reviews, etc. before another Project or ProjectPhase can start.
ProjectPhase IndividualType A ProjectState that is a temporal part of a Project and has been nominated as a phase of a Project.
projectWholePhase TupleType A projectPhaseTemporalPart where the whole is a Project.
milestoneBegins TupleType A startBoundary that asserts a ProjectMilestone marks the beginning of a Project or ProjectPhase.
milestoneEnds TupleType An endBoundary that asserts a ProjectMilestone marks the end of a Project or ProjectPhase.
designReleasedAtMilestone TupleType A couple that indicates a ResourceType is released as a design at a ProjectMilestone.
designWithdrawnAtMilestone TupleType A couple that indicates a ResourceType was withdrawn as a design at a ProjectMilestone.
versionIdentifier TupleType A representedBy that asserts that a StringRepresentation represents the version identifier of a ServiceSpecification.
versionOf TupleType A modemIndividualTypeSpecialisation that asserts a ResourceType is a version of a ResourceTypeMaster.

Table ‑: Pr Element List